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timed out waiting for reply from selection owner

This is rather strange and I don't even know if I have a correct
repro. The symptoms I see is that I am able to copy in X (XEmacs or
xterm) and paste in Windows but not vice-versa.

Immediately after I start X copy/paste works both ways.

I suspect this has something to do with Microsoft Visual Studio. It
seems to hijack the clipboard and copy/paste stops working altogether.
I found this using a utility GetOpenClipboardWindow I found on the
net. When copy/paste across windows Apps stops working, this utility
always reports that VSS owns the clipboard.

I often have to kill VS to get other programs to interact with the
clipboard. But even after I kill VS Studio, Cygwin-X is not able to
get data from the clipboard. Any time I paste in X I see the above
message in  /var/log/XWin.0.log

Any suggestions what might be wrong and how I can work-around this issue?

Thanks in advance

- hemal

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