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Re: X11R7.5 and C.UTF-8

Ken Brown wrote:
On 10/28/2009 6:07 PM, Andy Koppe wrote:
2009/10/28 Ken Brown:
Maybe my terminology is wrong. But if you start mintty with no .minttyrc
and with LANG unset, mintty will set LANG=C.UTF-8.

Yep. That's primarily for emacs' benefit, which parses the locale env variables itself instead of using setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""), thereby missing out on Cygwin's default locale.


I've sent a report about this to the emacs-devel list ( But I don't have a good understanding of locale issues. Could you take a look and see if what I said is accurate or if more should be said?

C.UTF_8 doesn't exist.

mintty is broken.

Might want to try 'Console' nstead of using mintty. Not perfect either, but fewer compatibility problems that I've noticed.

Examples of valid LANG values:

C, ca_FR, en_US, fr_FR, it_IT, nl_NL, wa_BE@euro

You can't have "C" and "UTF-8", because C means no encoding (default). UTF-8 IS an encoding, so they are mutually exclusive. I don't know under what circumstances "C" might imply UTF-8. If the definition of "C" changes? It might be easier than changing "c" (as used in physics).

My understanding of locale issues is also limited and subject to change or


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