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Re: 'run xterm' fails to open a window

thanks for the reply,
for some reason I would like to continue using the cygwin one...
this .bat was working some time ago, until I update cygwin....

1) when I launch cygwin's gvim from a dos cmd shell it run as expected
2) when I launch "c:\Cygwin\bin\run gvim" in the same dos cmd shell it
spawn a process gvim (ps -a show it) attached to con but nothing is
displayed on screen

-> this isn't a pb of DISPLAY else 1) wouldn't have worked and
cygwin's gvim wouldn't have displayed

thanks and regards

On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 9:06 PM, Linda Walsh <> wrote:
> I would suggest you run the native version of 'gvim' instead
> of the cygwin 'gvim' unless you know you need something that
> the 'X' version provides.
> You can download the native gvim from the vim website.
> The native version can use the SAME config files as the cygwin
> version (i.e. it works equally well with LF line endings as
> it does CRLF line endings).
> It handles "/" or "\" as path separators. ÂI believe.
> BUT, one caveat, I have my Cygwin installed in C:\ not
> C:\cygwin, and my drive prefix is "/" not 'cygdrive/' ÂThis
> means all my dos paths and cygwin paths are *equal*. So
> from any directory, if I type in 'vi xxx', I get the cygwin
> based 'vi' editor, but if I want a gui, I can type in 'gvim xxx'
> and I will get the native-windows based gui.
> Just make sure you add /prog/vim/ to your path (or wherever you
> install vim programs). ÂIt's faster and doesn't need a running
> xserver.
> I do use the X-version of gvim, but only when editing a file
> on a remote machine.
> That said, the process of getting the 'X' version of gvim
> is straightforward.
> Start from debugging the launching of it in 'cmd.exe' -- that's like calling
> it from 'run'. which is similar to how
> explorer will run it.
> Also, if you use ":0" for your output, be sure to
> put it in quotes. ÂDISPLAY=:0 isn't safe unless it
> is quotes : DISPLAY=":0" Â DISPLAY=":0" will go through
> a unix socket to talk to your Xserver. ÂIn 'xhost', it shows
> up as "LOCAL:", whereas internet addresses show up as
> INET:localhost" Â(entry for localhost:0).
> jean-luc malet wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I have the same kind of issue but with gvim....
>> however it does work with xterm....
> --
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