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Re: Cygwin 1.7 beta XWin disconnects from Ubuntu after password

On 30/10/2009 22:06, Randall Parker wrote:
Running WinXP, latest service pak and fixes. I had problems with xwin
from the Cygwin 1.5.25-15 pegging one of my CPUs at full usage when
connecting to an Ubuntu 9.1 box. So I decided to try the 1.7 beta.
Well, now that I've upgraded I am having problems connecting to the
Ubuntu box.

I connect to the Ubuntu box and get the initial log-on screen. Typed
in user name, hit return, then got prompt for password. But as soon as
I typed in the password and hit return the XWin session immediately

I'm guessing you mean Ubuntu 9.10.

I can't reproduce this. Apart from the fact there is no obvious means for enabling XDMCP logins to XDMCP, once enabled, I'm able to log in without problems.

I'm assuming you actually have Ubuntu 9.10 final, which has GDM 2.28.1. If you have an earlier version of GDM, you might have the problem described in [1]

I repeated this process several times.

$ cat /var/log/XWin.0.log
2009-10-30 14:22:05 winClipboardIOErrorHandler!
2009-10-30 14:22:05 winClipboardProc - setjmp returned for IO Error Handler.
2009-10-30 14:22:05 winDeinitMultiWindowWM - Noting shutdown in progress

All this log says is that the X session was shut down by the Ubuntu host. I suggest you need to enable and look at the GDM logs there to learn why.


Volunteer Cygwin/X X Server maintainer

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