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Problem with multiwindow and drop-down menus

I'm having a problem with 1.7 when starting the server with -multiwindow. I am trying to run Sun's jconsole application (part of the JDK 6) remotely, but none of the menus work correctly.

When I run a separate window manager (wmaker), they work correctly. I can click on a menu and it will stay open. I can move my mouse to select a menu entry and then click again to "make it so".

With -multiwindow, clicking on the menu just causes it to flash open. If I hold the mouse down, the menu will stay open, but I can't select any options. The only way I can interact with jconsole is with keyboard shortcuts.

Any ideas? Is this some local configuration problem or a known issue with -multiwindow?

David Rothenberger  ----

"From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere."
                -- Dr. Seuss

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