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Re: XWin Server shortcut broken

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 06:32:26PM +0100, Jon TURNEY wrote:
>Frank Mori Hess wrote:
>> I did an install of cygwin/x and the xwin server shortcut it installs in the 
>> start menu didn't work.  I had to go into its properties and set the "Start 
>> in:" field to C:\
>> This may be due to the fact that my home directory is at H:\
>> Running the command
>> C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/startxwin.bat
>> from the command prompt doesn't work if my current drive is H:\ but it does 
>> work if I am on the C:\ drive.
>Thanks for the bug report. This is a pretty obvious defect in the postinstall 
>script which writes the shortcut, which means the shortcut fails when the 
>cygwin installation and user profile are on different drives.

Actually, it's been a shortcoming since startxwin.bat was first introduced.


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