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Re: [patch 4/7] Cygwin/X: Invent a scan code if we dont have one


Attached are my final patches. MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC_EX (which is 4, not 3) did not help with the numeric-keypad key/num-lock problem. I have fixed that problem with an update to the special case table in winkeybd.h. I have also added to that table the (generated by software only) codes for left/right-specific shift/control/alt. I have not tested the left/right-specific entries. You may want to check that I have put the correct codes in the correct rows (that correspond to the codes).


Paul Loewenstein wrote:
I plan to do a reasonably thorough investigation of what scan codes show up during speech recognition. I believe I have seen both 0 and 1 (the ESC scancode). The latter must be a bug (almost certainly Microsoft's) rather than a mere omission, but is much simpler to work around than to get fixed. I believe it is safe to regenerate the scancode for ESC, for all keyboards, even if the scancode is provided.

Have you looked at using| MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC_EX |(3) instead of MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC(0)? This may solve the numeric keypad/numlock problem described below. The code then has to look at the HIBYTE of the regenerated iParamScanCode to check for E0, the extended key scancode, and set KF_EXTENDED bit in HIWORD (lParam) if E0, then clear HIBYTE (iParamScanCode).

When num-lock is asserted; with my tentative fix (using MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC) saying "move to end of line" generates "1". However, saying "press end" generates a fake "end" key correctly, I would guess by enclosing the simulated key with simulated num-lock keystrokes.

Another valid way of dealing with these keys in the absence of a scan code is to generate an extended key code (i.e. for the keys between the numeric keypad and the alphabetic keys).

To resolve some of the above guesswork, I need to quickly hack an application that displays both the virtual key code and the scan code, together with the extended key indication. I should be able to do that with a quick modification to publicly available code. I can also modify it to test |MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC_EX|, which may solve the numeric keypad scancode problem problem cleanly by providing extended keycodes instead.

I would prefer to perform a clean, single fix. I'll also use diff!!


Reini Urban wrote:
Shouldn't we properly attribute Paul Loewenstein at least in the patch who came up with this idea.

Jon TURNEY wrote:
Reini Urban wrote:
Shouldn't we properly attribute Paul Loewenstein at least in the patch who came up with this idea.

Indeed, thanks for pointing out this oversight.

Revised patch attached.

That's what happens to people who don't use diff :-)

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*** xwin/xorg-server-1.5.3-4/src/xorg-server-1.5.3/hw/xwin/winkeybd.c	Sat Jan 17 12:47:58 2009
--- /usr/src/xorg-server-1.5.3-4/src/xorg-server-1.5.3/hw/xwin/winkeybd.c	Sat Jan 17 13:17:33 2009
*** 76,100 ****
  winTranslateKey (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, int *piScanCode)
    int		iKeyFixup = g_iKeyMap[wParam * WIN_KEYMAP_COLS + 1];
    int		iKeyFixupEx = g_iKeyMap[wParam * WIN_KEYMAP_COLS + 2];
    int		iParamScanCode = LOBYTE (HIWORD (lParam));
- /* WM_ key messages faked by Vista speech recognition (WSR) don't have a
-  * scan code.
-  *
-  * Vocola 3 (a supplement to WSR) uses
-  * System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.SendWait(), which appears to always
-  * give a scan code of 1
- */
-   if (iParamScanCode <= 1)
-     {
-       iParamScanCode = MapVirtualKeyEx(wParam,
- 				       /*MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC*/0,
- 				       GetKeyboardLayout(0));
-     }
    /* Branch on special extended, special non-extended, or normal key */
    if ((HIWORD (lParam) & KF_EXTENDED) && iKeyFixupEx)
      *piScanCode = iKeyFixupEx;
--- 76,85 ----
*** xwin/xorg-server-1.5.3-4/src/xorg-server-1.5.3/hw/xwin/winkeybd.h	Sat Jan 17 12:46:15 2009
--- /usr/src/xorg-server-1.5.3-4/src/xorg-server-1.5.3/hw/xwin/winkeybd.h	Tue Oct 23 14:26:52 2007
*** 45,55 ****
  #define		WIN_KEYMAP_COLS		3
- /* ASCII column, rows 33 through 40 are for Speech Recognition with
-  * num-lock asserted.
-  * Rows 160 through 165 correspond to software-generated codes, which
-  * may not be associated with the appropriate scan code/extended bit
-  */
  const int
  g_iKeyMap [] = {
    /* count	Windows VK,	ASCII,		ASCII when extended VK */
--- 45,50 ----
*** 86,99 ****
    /* 30 */	0,		0,		0,
    /* 31 */	0,		0,		0,
    /* 32 */	0,		0,		0,
!   /* 33 */	VK_PRIOR,	KEY_PgUp,	KEY_PgUp,
!   /* 34 */	VK_NEXT,	KEY_PgDown,	KEY_PgDown,
!   /* 35 */	VK_END,		KEY_End,	KEY_End,
!   /* 36 */	VK_HOME,	KEY_Home,	KEY_Home,
!   /* 37 */	VK_LEFT,	KEY_Left,	KEY_Left,
!   /* 38 */	VK_UP,		KEY_Up,	 	KEY_Up,
!   /* 39 */	VK_RIGHT,	KEY_Right,	KEY_Right,
!   /* 40 */	VK_DOWN,	KEY_Down,	KEY_Down,
    /* 41 */	0,		0,		0,
    /* 42 */	0,		0,		0,
    /* 43 */	0,		0,		0,
--- 81,94 ----
    /* 30 */	0,		0,		0,
    /* 31 */	0,		0,		0,
    /* 32 */	0,		0,		0,
!   /* 33 */	VK_PRIOR,	0,		KEY_PgUp,
!   /* 34 */	VK_NEXT,	0,		KEY_PgDown,
!   /* 35 */	VK_END,		0,		KEY_End,
!   /* 36 */	VK_HOME,	0,		KEY_Home,
!   /* 37 */	VK_LEFT,	0,		KEY_Left,
!   /* 38 */	VK_UP,		0,		KEY_Up,
!   /* 39 */	VK_RIGHT,	0,		KEY_Right,
!   /* 40 */	VK_DOWN,	0,		KEY_Down,
    /* 41 */	0,		0,		0,
    /* 42 */	0,		0,		0,
    /* 43 */	0,		0,		0,
*** 213,224 ****
    /* 157 */	0,		0,		0,
    /* 158 */	0,		0,		0,
    /* 159 */	0,		0,		0,
!   /* 160 */	VK_LSHIFT,	KEY_ShiftL,	KEY_ShiftL,
!   /* 161 */	VK_RSHIFT,	KEY_ShiftR,	KEY_ShiftR,
!   /* 162 */	VK_LCONTROL,	KEY_LCtrl,	KEY_LCtrl,
!   /* 163 */	VK_RCONTROL,	KEY_RCtrl,	KEY_RCtrl,
!   /* 164 */	VK_LMENU,	KEY_Alt,	KEY_Alt,
!   /* 165 */	VK_RMENU,	KEY_AltLang,	KEY_AltLang,
    /* 166 */	0,		0,		0,
    /* 167 */	0,		0,		0,
    /* 168 */	0,		0,		0,
--- 208,219 ----
    /* 157 */	0,		0,		0,
    /* 158 */	0,		0,		0,
    /* 159 */	0,		0,		0,
!   /* 160 */	0,		0,		0,
!   /* 161 */	0,		0,		0,
!   /* 162 */	0,		0,		0,
!   /* 163 */	0,		0,		0,
!   /* 164 */	0,		0,		0,
!   /* 165 */	0,		0,		0,
    /* 166 */	0,		0,		0,
    /* 167 */	0,		0,		0,
    /* 168 */	0,		0,		0,

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