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XWin refresh

I prefer to run my Cygwin X window as a separate window.  I start XWin with
the following command line:

%RUN% XWin -clipboard -silent-dup-error

What I find, though, is that if my session goes to screen saver or my system
goes to sleep, the X window becomes black and won't refresh.  I haven't
found a way to get it to refresh (there may be some trick, but I haven't
figured it out, yet).  I've tried minimizing the window and then restoring
it, but that doesn't work.  I've tried right clicking inside the window, but
no menu appears.

Is there a simple function key, <ALT> function key or some secret
combination of keys that will force a refresh of the entire window?

I use mwm as my window manager, maybe it is this that needs to do the
refresh.  If it is, does anyone know of a secret incantation that refreshes
the window?

Thanks for your assistance,

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