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capslock key not working after disabling the X keyboard extension


I support a commerical application running on XFree86, which is started automatically when a user logs onto via xdm. The OS it runs on is Solaris 8.

Recently the application has been upgraded though, and now it will only start up if I supply the -kb flag to Xwin to disable the X keyboard extension (no idea why):

xwin -ac -kb -query host

That was fine until I realised the capslock key didn't work anymore. After much time, looking for a fix, I discovered I could get it to work without the -kb flag, if I removed the symlink C:\Program Files\cygwin\usr\X11R6\lib\X11\xkb

However that seems a bit of a hack and I still don't understand why this fixes it. I'm happy to use the -kb option, but could anyone tell me how to fix the capslock key please?



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