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Re: xterm cygwin crash

Sergei Pachkov wrote:

> why?
> yes, I have logitech video camera (QuickCam software) & Norton Antivirus.
> but how they interferes with Cygwin but not for another applications ;-) ?

Technically it attaches a dll that uses the same memory space as the Cygwin.dll.

>From a practical standpoint, just getting rid of the QuickCam software allows
your applications to work.  But there is an alternative, Logitech published a
revised version that doesn't causes the problem.

BTW I don't use any of the problematic packages mentioned, this is just
information that comes up on this list and on the main Cygwin list over and
over... it is getting annoying, so many problem reports about the same thing.
Renà Berber

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