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Re: xterm cygwin crash

yes, I have logitech video camera (QuickCam software) & Norton Antivirus.
but how they interferes with Cygwin but not for another applications ;-) ?

Renà Berber wrote:
Sergei Pachkov wrote:

I install lastest cygwin and it crash every time with message:
" 11 [main] xterm 4608 child_copy: linked dll data write copy
failed, 0x69000
0..0x690240, done 0, windows pid 2273268, Win32 error 487
xterm: Error 29, errno 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
Reason: spawn: fork() failed
sometimes this message displayed for another cygwin software.
how to repair that?

Unistall the "Logitech Process Monitor", or any of the other software that
interferes with Cygwin like Logitech Video camera, several Internet security
packages, some anti-virus, some firewalls...

-- ------------ Sergei Pachkov

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