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Re: windows XP : cygwin -X server not opening

Your opinion is worth how much squat? Diddley?

Not really but I wasn't flamed in years and my Internetcomputer needed some stress testing and hacking tries by experts. Thanks for all the effort.

I have been running XWin without shared memory support for years without fault. In fact, my experience is that it is MORE reliable
without it.

It is also pretty stable with SHM and imo he need SHM to get his XWin up again. I had a similar problem when I was trying to use Thai fonts.

~ CYGWIN=server XWin.exe

I know. Do they know? I posted this accidently today in the "
Re: Shutting down XWin after session? (-once option)"
which is much more interresting.

Shared memory use is OPTIONAL.

It is when XWin is running. But if something needs SHM within the starup of XWin the XWin startup will fail.

There always two kind of people. The ones who really don't know how to do it. Help them. The ones who should know how to do it but to lazy to figure it out for themselves. A Senior should be able to solve the problem.


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