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changes in monitor resolution


I use Cygwin/X on my laptop all the time, and I often switch back and forth between my XGA laptop display and an SXGA external monitor. (I use startxwin.bat to start the X server.) What I find is that when I start xwin while my laptop display is active, and then switch to the external monitor, nothing displaying through X is visible on the bottom and right-hand sides of the display. I assume that this is because startxwin.bat detected my monitor resolution as XGA and so configured its resolution as 1024x768, and doesn't automatically resize when I switch displays. I can fix this by closing the X server and then restarting it, but then I have to close all my X clients too.

Is there a way to either (a) automatically start X with SXGA resolution, or (b) manually resize X after I switch monitors, without restarting it?

Many thanks,

Roger Levy

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