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Re: problem

Soong, SylokeJ wrote:
When I first installed Cygwin/X and tried,
I ran into the same puzzlement, if not panic.

All the xterms and xclock I started were heaped
into the same corner, intransigently unmoveable.
(The sun shall not strike thee, nor the moon by
night and your feet will not be moved, as though).

Then I recalled, hmm ....
There is an X Display Server and then
there is an X Display Manager.
I think. I'm sure I have not confused the
Almost right: the Windows are managed by thw Window Manager, sort of like iexplore.exe in Windows, with the X Display Server being like Win32 GDI.

The X Display Manager is actually access control, the log-in prompt on X-based systems.

So I looked into the startxwin files and was as
assured to find twm (which I guessed correctly is
an X display mgr) commented out.
I uncommented it and when XWin restarted
my xterms and xclock were moveable.

But I didn't like twm because the extremity of my
X habits tends to pile up lots of windows
and would have me a hard time searching for them
without a desktop window locater. Which led me
to install wmaker.

Actually, the MultiWindow mode is nicer; it wraps windows to be managed by the native Win32 window manager, and also gets rid of the "extra desktop" root window.

Or get a little more screwy,
start x server on my laptop cygwin,
throw wmaker from my win2k box to my laptop,
login to sun box and throw xterms to my laptop.
Sure, that would work just fine. X is well-designed enough to do such things, even if the remote host has a different binary format. You'll never see that from MS...

Joe Krahn

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