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Re: Copy and Paste between my PC and CygwinX

"Lee, Jason" wrote:

> I have recently start using CygwinX which is a window to my UNIX environment.  The problem is that I have being searching for answer to do copy and paste between CygwinX environment and my PC environment.
> I can use Ctrl-Insert and Shift-Insert to do copy and paste in my CygwinX environment.
> How do I copy and paste from my PC to CygwinX xterm windows and from CygwinX xterm windows back to my PC.

You can set this in your ~/.inputrc.  If you're using CMD.EXE, it's
'"\e[2~": paste-from-clipboard', if you use rxvt it's built-in.  I
recommend that you ditch CMD.EXE as soon as possible if you're still
using it, as it sucks hard as a terminal.


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