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Re: Stacktrace on XWin with latest cygwin snapshots

On Mon, Jul 18, 2005 at 10:45:52PM +0100, Colin Harrison wrote:
>Thanks for the clue, installed and tested on another system, XP sp2,
>OK.  Faulty system is a Windows Server 2003 sp1.  stackdumps with
>cygwin1.dll's after Build date 2005-07-02 22:44.  I'll delve deeper
>after checking the installation is OK.

Once again:  it works just fine for me. might be instructive about what I meant
re "details".  Please provide the info mentioned there as well as the
info implied there, like what *exactly* you are doing to cause the

If you're getting a stackdump, then please also provide the stackdump.

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