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icewm - Xlib: unexpected async reply


I need help with a strange problem I'm having with IceWM on Cygwin. I have had this problem for a long time, though I have made several updates to the X server since I first stumbled upon it.
Basically, after working with IceWM with no problems for months on end, Cygwin X server suddenly freezes (can't open new /resize the xterm, etc.) and not even a reinstallation of Cygwin has solved this problem.
When starting IceWM manually, then xterm, I receive the following error:

Xlib: sequence lost (0x10041 > 0x735) in reply type 0x90!
Xlib: sequence lost (0x10000 > 0x735) in reply type 0x1!
Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0x0)!

FYI - this has happened on several machines (win2k, winxp, hyper threading and non hyper threading), while the same installation works well on others.

Yariv Gdidi

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