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RE: Alt Gr keys are not functioning ?

Hans wrote:

>You can use the following command to map a vertical bar to the AltGr 1, 
>for example.

>xmodmap -e "Keycode 113 = Mode_switch"
>xmodmap -e "KeySym 1 = 1 exclam bar"

This in fact works! Thanks, this is surely one way to proceed to get me

Now I can only wonder about the underlying problem; it could be be that the
Alt Gr maps to BOTH ISO_Level3_Shift AND Mode_switch, and the Cygwin client
uses the ISO_Level3_Shift modifier, and the Solaris xterm client uses the
Mode_switch modifier. In fact, it ONLY works when I change the Alt Gr key to
send Mode_Switch too, so somehow this must be related.

I'll now add these xmodmap entries to my .bashrc file if there is a valid
display setting.

Thanks again - Henrik

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