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Re: Memory access error in XWin -multiwindow


I can now reproduce your problem using both Test91 and Test91-DEBUG (with Ralf's patches applied). I reproduce the problem using ssh to login to my home machine which is on an 256 Kbps uplink. When I launch konqueror remotely, XWin.exe dies with the Windows error message. I tried the same thing at home on the local network with no problems. Thus, we are most likely looking at a race condition.

I think that this problem probably doesn't have anything to do with malloc failing... rather, I think the problem is that we call XInitThreads (or whatever it is called) more than once in the same process. I should add protection so that that function is only called once for the entire process.

I don't promise that this will fix the problem, but I at least have a test case now so I can start to do something about it.


Biju G C wrote:


I am facing an issue of Memory access error in XWin -multiwindow mode

So Ralf pointed me to

After seeing that patch, I have just gone thru XWin Source and found,
at lot of place we call memory alloc and not testing the return value.
I am attaching the list & extracts from programs
I dont know all of those will make any issue.

I did not checked whether it is properly "free()"-ed
And also I did not checked the functions which receives allocated memory another function as return value or thru a passed argument to the called function.

List of variables:-

in winmultiwindowwm.c
pXMsgArg at function winInitWM

in winmultiwindowwindow.c
vlist at function winMoveXWindow vlist at function winResizeXWindow

in winmultiwindowicons.c
iconData at function winScaleXBitmapToWindows image at function winXIconToHICON imageMask at function winXIconToHICON mask at function winXIconToHICON

in winmultiwindowclass.c
*res_name at function winMultiWindowGetClassHint *res_role at function winMultiWindowGetWindowRole

in winconfig.c
ret at function winNormalizeName

in winclipboardxevents.c
pszUTF8 at function winClipboardFlushXEvents pszReturnData at function winClipboardFlushXEvents pwszUnicodeStr at function winClipboardFlushXEvents hGlobal at function winClipboardFlushXEvents

in winclipboardtextconv.c
pszDestBegin / pszDest at function winClipboardUNIXtoDOS

####### EXTRACTS FROM PROGRAMS ##########

####### NEXT FILE ##########


winInitWM (void **ppWMInfo,
	   pthread_t *ptWMProc,
	   pthread_t *ptXMsgProc,
	   pthread_mutex_t *ppmServerStarted,
	   int dwScreen)
  WMProcArgPtr		pArg = (WMProcArgPtr) malloc (sizeof(WMProcArgRec));
  WMInfoPtr		pWMInfo = (WMInfoPtr) malloc (sizeof(WMInfoRec));
  XMsgProcArgPtr	pXMsgArg = (XMsgProcArgPtr) malloc (sizeof(XMsgProcArgRec));

  /* Bail if the input parameters are bad */
  if (pArg == NULL || pWMInfo == NULL)
      ErrorF ("winInitWM - malloc fail.\n");
      return FALSE;

####### NEXT FILE ##########


winMoveXWindow (WindowPtr pWin, int x, int y)
  XID *vlist = malloc(sizeof(long)*2);

  (CARD32*)vlist[0] = x;
  (CARD32*)vlist[1] = y;
  ConfigureWindow (pWin, CWX | CWY, vlist, wClient(pWin));

* winResizeXWindow - */

winResizeXWindow (WindowPtr pWin, int w, int h)
  XID *vlist = malloc(sizeof(long)*2);

  (CARD32*)vlist[0] = w;
  (CARD32*)vlist[1] = h;
  ConfigureWindow (pWin, CWWidth | CWHeight, vlist, wClient(pWin));

####### NEXT FILE ##########


static void winScaleXBitmapToWindows (int iconSize, int effBPP, PixmapPtr pixmap, unsigned char *image) {


  iconData = malloc (xStride * pixmap->drawable.height);
  miGetImage ((DrawablePtr) &(pixmap->drawable), 0, 0,
	      pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height,
	      ZPixmap, 0xffffffff, iconData);

HICON winXIconToHICON (WindowPtr pWin) {

  image = (unsigned char * ) malloc (stride * iconSize);
  imageMask = (unsigned char *) malloc (stride * iconSize);
  mask = (unsigned char *) malloc (maskStride * iconSize);

####### NEXT FILE ##########


winMultiWindowGetClassHint (WindowPtr pWin, char **res_name, char **res_class)


(*res_name) = malloc (len_name + 1);

int winMultiWindowGetWindowRole (WindowPtr pWin, char **res_role) {

(*res_role) = malloc (len_role + 1);

####### NEXT FILE ##########


char *
winNormalizeName (const char *s)


ret = malloc (strlen (s) + 1);

####### NEXT FILE ##########

winClipboardFlushXEvents (HWND hwnd,
			  Atom atomClipboard,
			  Atom atomLocalProperty,
			  Atom atomUTF8String,
			  Atom atomCompoundText,
			  Atom atomTargets,
			  Atom atomDeleteWindow,
			  int iWindow,
			  Display *pDisplay,
			  Bool fUnicodeSupport)

	      pszUTF8 = (char *) malloc (iUTF8); /* Don't need +1 */
	      WideCharToMultiByte (CP_UTF8,


if (iCount > 0) { pszReturnData = malloc (strlen (ppszTextList[0]) + 1); strcpy (pszReturnData, ppszTextList[0]); } else { pszReturnData = malloc (1); pszReturnData[0] = 0; }

= (wchar_t*) malloc (sizeof (wchar_t) * (iUnicodeLen + 1));
/* Do the actual conversion */
MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8,


	  /* Allocate global memory for the X clipboard data */
	  if (fUnicodeSupport)
	    hGlobal = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE,
				   sizeof (wchar_t) * (iUnicodeLen + 1));
	    hGlobal = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, strlen (pszReturnData) + 1);

	  /* Obtain a pointer to the global memory */
	  pszGlobalData = GlobalLock (hGlobal);
	  if (pszGlobalData == NULL)

####### NEXT FILE ##########


winClipboardUNIXtoDOS (unsigned char **ppszData, int iLength)

  /* Allocate a new string */
  pszDestBegin = pszDest = malloc (iLength + iNewlineCount + 1);

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