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Re: building XFree86 from cvs

On Tue, 20 Aug 2002 10:13:50 -0500, "Michael Harnois"
<> wrote:

>Oooh. This is stranger than I thought. Some of those programs do get built
>correctly, despite the log messages. For instance in config/util, makestrs,
>revpath, and rman build ... but lndir doesn't.

Probably because "gcc -o foo" yields foo.exe automatically but
unfortunately dependencies and so forth won't know that. Your average
"configure & make" app can sometimes get away with it - only to fail on
the install & uninstall (good indication of this problem existing is
make invokes the linker even though the last make succeeded). Sadly this
is my first forray into the world of Imake so take my advice for this
particular problem with a strong pinch of salt.


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