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Re: [ANNOUNCE] XWin Keyboard test 5

> > I tried : xmodmap -e "keycode  12 = quotedbl 3 4 5 "
> > (normally, keycode 12 = 3 numbersign on US keyboard)
> >
> > AltGr + " : nearly good (a Control_L occurs, why ?), but nothing appears on
> > xterm.
> I have not found a way to discard the fake key release. So there is
> always a Control_L release and maybe inserted by the OS independend
> XServer code a Control_L press before it (just to keep the number
> of presses and releases equal).

But the main problem is still here : nothing appears ! Xev says that the correct
caracters should be printed, but nothing is done !

Any idea ?

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