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compiling xfddx


I finally managed to compile xfddx_3.  I changed typedef PULONG ULONG_PTR;
to typedef /*P*/ULONG ULONG_PTR;.  Furthermore, I had to manually create the
directory .\lib\i386\free.  xfddx.dll is now built cleanly.

A couple of notes on the DDK:
(i) install the SDK, DDK, and VC in paths which do not contain spaces to
avoid build's database being corrupted
(ii) read
(iii) on NT4, setenv.bat in the SDK directory should put Bin\WinNT\NT4 in
path ahead of NT5 tools that don't run on NT4.  I had to add two spaces at
the end of IF "%%i"=="Windows NT Version 4.0 to make this work:

REM Patch path to put Bin\WinNT\NT4 in path ahead of NT5 tools that don't
run on NT4
For /F "delims=;" %%i IN ('Cmd /c Ver') DO (
    IF "%%i"=="Windows NT Version 4.0  " (
        Set Path=%MSSdk%\Bin\WinNT\NT4;%Path%
        Goto Chk_SetEnv

Note that neither Peter nor Suhaib were able to reproduce my problem.  On
the other hand, I re-installed the SDK, VC6 with SP3, MSDN, and DDK.  Thus,
my build environment shouldn't be damaged.


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