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Re: RE:Building XFree

Suhaib M. Siddiqi,

Just some questions. has the following lines

XCOMM #define StdIncDir               `CcCmd --print-libgcc-file-name | sed
':libgcc.a:../../../../i586-cygwin32/include:'|sed 's,\\\\,/,g'`
XCOMM #define PostIncDir              `CcCmd --print-libgcc-file-name | sed
':libgcc.a:/include:'|sed 's,\\\\,/,g'`
#define StdIncDir               `CcCmd --print-libgcc-file-name | sed
's,\\\\,/,g' | sed 's,libgcc.a,../../../../i586-cygwin32/include,'`
#define PostIncDir              `CcCmd --print-libgcc-file-name | sed
's,\\\\,/,g' | sed 's,libgcc.a,include,'`

All my dir structures have the newer i686-cygwin instead of i586-cygwin32
Should I update or just ignore it?

also cygwin.rules has the following

#define MakeDLL(libname,solist)     @@\
 if [ -f $(BASE_COUNTER) ]; then true; \   @@\
 else echo 0x67000000 > $(BASE_COUNTER); fi  @@\
 dllwrap -s --def libname.def --output-lib Concat3(lib,libname,.a) -o
Concat3(lib,libname,.dll) solist junk.o $(REQUIREDLIBS) -image-base `cat
$(BASE_COUNTER)` -lipc @@\

Should -lipc be there

Also, if your .cygwin.rules cygwin.tmpl are more up-to-date than
the Xfree4.0 FTP archive date 21/3/00
could I pls have a copy

Regards Trevor

----- Original Message -----
From: "Suhaib M. Siddiqi" <ssiddiqi@InspirePharm.Com>
To: "Trevor" <>; "Cygwin-Xfree"
Sent: Wednesday, 5 April 2000 9:14
Subject: RE: RE:Building XFree

> In xc/config/cf/
> the following define should be changed to
> #define HasShm                  NO
> #define ExtraLibraries
> (That is nothing after #define ExtraLibraries)
> Once you have edited file
> do the following at TOPDIR (in xc directory)
> make Makefiles
> make depend
> make
> This should clean up all your Makefiles and remove the unwanted -lipc.
> The ibcygwin.a(libcmain.o)(.text+0x7f): undefined reference to
> means your setup is attempting to compile libX11.dll as an exectable.
> The problem must be some missing defines in and cygwin.rules.
> I have used gcc compiler from Cygwin v 1.0 CD distribution as well as
> GCC 2.95.2 from Mumit Khan.  Both work with the cygwin configuration files
> in xc/config/cf.
> Try the above make Makefiles and make depend etc.. if you still get
> `WinMain@16' that means something is wrong with your cygwin related config
> files
> in xc/config/cf.. in that case either update your source tree or let me
> and I will
> send you the config files.
> Suhaib

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