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Re: MSYS mode (continue)

On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 11:06 PM, Charles Wilson wrote:
> On 7/26/2013 4:15 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> Another alternative would be if the Cygwin DLL itself had a switch to
>> load the MSYS dll (export CYGWIN=MSYS ;)).  This would allows MSYS mode
>> even with completely unchanged executables.
> Right -- but *some* executables would need to actually BE different, aside
> from the underlying posix library's behavioral changes, to get a "real" MSYS
> environment.

Perhaps it would be useful to actually identify which packages have
extenuating needs.  Maybe it's just one or two.  Maybe it's all but
one or two.  I don't think that currently, the problem space is
properly enumerated, but is instead living in the abstract.

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