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Re: acl_access denies access owned by 'Everyone' group

On Fri, Aug 23, 2002 at 07:12:51PM +0400, Egor Duda wrote:
> Hi!
>   Disclaimer: I have checked this only with cvs version, but
> downloading the latest release now to verify things with it.
> [...]
> # owner: 1291
> # group: 0
> user::rw-
> group::r--
> mask::r--
> other::---
> $ grep Everyone /etc/group
> Everyone:S-1-1-0:0:duda,duda_admin

That shouldn't be necessary at all.  You can even drop Everyone
completely from /etc/group with the current version from CVS.

I don't know if it's clever to set group membership to Everyone
since that's the ACL entry which is evaluated as POSIX "other".
I never tried it (I didn't even have the idea to do that).
Anyway, it's really wrong what you're doing.  Pierre's changes
eliminated the usage of Everyone as a group.  In that light I'd
say, yes, it's a result of Pierre's changes and it's correct.

Does `id' mention Everyone in the supplementary group list?  I
doubt it since it's not important what is in /etc/group under
NT+ntsec but it's important what is in your access token.  And
Everyone is filtered as a group since it is none.  It's the
"other" or "world" of NT.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                      
Red Hat, Inc.

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