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Re: Core dumps

On Thu, Dec 30, 1999 at 12:01:06AM +0300, Egor Duda wrote:
>>> I have working implementation of true core files for cygwin (this
>>> includes core dumper utility and patches to gdb), but it needs some
>>> cleanup. If someone needs them, i can do it.
>DD> Would you be interested in making this an official part of gdb/cygwin?
>I'm attaching all needed patches. dumper utility is called
>dumper [-v] [-c filename] <win32-pid>
>-v -- be verbose
>-c -- generate core file named filename.core (default is ".core").
>and generates elf core file which can be debugged with gdb.
>gdb and bfd patch are made against gdb 4.18 and bfd from 1999-02-08.
>winsup patch is made against snapshot-19991222
>If needed, i can resync with more recent versions.

This is great stuff.  I've been meaning to ask you about this for
some time.

It is likely that this won't apply cleanly against gdb, at least, but
we'll let you know.


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