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Re: [ITP] discus

Hi Andrew,

On Oct 30 21:02, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> I want to maintain discus for Cygwin.  discus is in Debian:
> setup.hint:
> category: Utils
> requires: python
> sdesc: "Pretty version of df(1) command"
> ldesc: "Discus aims to make df prettier, with features such as color,
> graphs, and smart formatting of numbers (automatically choosing the most
> suitable size from kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes). If
> you don't want Discus deciding the best sizes, you can also choose
> your own increments, along with specifying the number of decimal
> places you'd like to see."
> Package files (noarch):

Neat, but does it work as intended?

$ df
Filesystem                     1K-blocks       Used  Available Use% Mounted on
//  194676832   48674368  146002464  26% /cygwin
//     191068816   29408432  161660384  16% /ext
C:                              41581564   35328408    6253156  85% /mnt/c
Q:                               2097148      25472    2071676   2% /mnt/q

$ discus
Mount           Total         Used         Avail      Prcnt      Graph
/mnt/c          39.66 GB     33.69 GB      5.96 GB    85.0%   [********--]
/mnt/q           2.00 GB      24.9 MB      1.98 GB     1.2%   [----------]

I'm missing my network shares.  --help doesn't show an option character.
So I went ahead and changed /etc/discusrc to include shares but not if
they are bind mounts:

opts["mtab"] = "!/bin/grep -E '^[A-Z]: |^//[a-z]' /proc/mounts | grep -v iso9660 | grep -v ',bind'"

$ discus
Mount           Total         Used         Avail      Prcnt      Graph
/cygwin        185.66 GB     46.42 GB    139.24 GB    25.0%   [***-------]
/ext           182.22 GB     28.05 GB    154.17 GB    15.4%   [**--------]
/mnt/c          39.66 GB     33.69 GB      5.96 GB    85.0%   [********--]
/mnt/q           2.00 GB      24.9 MB      1.98 GB     1.2%   [----------]

Would that make sense as default or do you deliberatly restrict this
to local drives?

Packaging looks good, so this is a GTG, independent of the above.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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