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Re: Recent cygport and cygwin-specific READMEs [Was: Re: GCC-4.7.2-2: Go/No-go?]

On 4/13/2013 11:45 PM, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
On 2013-04-13 00:55, Andy Koppe wrote:
I've also tried installing cygport from git master but got this after
running ./ && make:

make: *** No rule to make target `data/gnuconfig/config.guess', needed
by `all-am'.  Stop.

This is one quirk of git that I've never understood: git clone does not
expand submodules by default without the --recursive flag.  Run "git
submodule update --init" to get these after a clone.

Something very odd: when I do this, I get fork errors:

$ /usr/bin/git submodule update --init
Submodule 'data/gnuconfig' () registered for path 'data/gnuconfig'
2 [main] git-fetch 6928 fork: child -1 - forked process 9228 died unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code -1073741515, errno 11
error: cannot fork() for rev-list: Resource temporarily unavailable
error: Could not run 'git rev-list'
remote: Counting objects: 3403, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1576/1576), done.
294079 [main] git-fetch 6928 fork: child -1 - forked process 10000 died unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code -1073741515, errno 11
error: cannot fork() for index-pack: Resource temporarily unavailable
fatal: fetch-pack: unable to fork off index-pack
Unable to fetch in submodule path 'data/gnuconfig'

But, if I do this instead:

$ PATH=/usr/bin /usr/bin/git submodule update --init
Submodule 'data/gnuconfig' () registered for path 'data/gnuconfig'
remote: Counting objects: 3403, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1576/1576), done.
remote: Total 3403 (delta 1786), reused 3403 (delta 1786)
Receiving objects: 100% (3403/3403), 541.65 KiB | 720 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1786/1786), done.
From git://
* [new branch] linux-overhaul-20010122 -> origin/linux-overhaul-20010122
 * [new branch]      master     -> origin/master
From git://
* [new tag] before-miles-orphaned-changes -> before-miles-orphaned-changes
 * [new tag]         before-thomas-posix1996 -> before-thomas-posix1996
 * [new tag]         gnumach-release-1-1-1 -> gnumach-release-1-1-1
 * [new tag]         gnumach-release-1-1-3 -> gnumach-release-1-1-3
 * [new tag]         post-cagney-2000-02-15 -> post-cagney-2000-02-15
 * [new tag]         pre-cagney-2000-02-15 -> pre-cagney-2000-02-15
 * [new tag]         release-0-1 -> release-0-1
 * [new tag]         release-1-0 -> release-1-0
Submodule path 'data/gnuconfig': checked out 'fd4dee4466c2b7bc330ff61430460e8bf6e26ddd'

it works.  Why would simply shortening the PATH have this effect?


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