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Re: Vim and gVim

On 01/10/2009 03:00, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
No, vim is plain upstream. I build it with

   --enable-multibyte --with-features=huge \
   --enable-gui=no --without-x \

I think --enable-multibyte is part of --with-features=huge but I'm using
that longer than the huge feature set, so it's still in for historical

Sure enough, in src/feature.h:

#if (defined(FEAT_BIG) || defined(HAVE_GTK2) || defined(FEAT_ARABIC)) \
        && !defined(FEAT_MBYTE) && !defined(WIN16) \
        && SIZEOF_INT >= 4 && !defined(EBCDIC)
# define FEAT_MBYTE

I've moved gvim into place now. Thanks,


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