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[setup patch] paint older-to-install versions red

Setup has a strange versioning logic:
The setup.ini lastmodified date overrides the package number

This patch marks the spin button red of such packages which installed version numbers are higher than the current version of setup.exe, when setup wants to overwrite "newer" versions.
Usually I have to click the spin buttons on those a couple of numbers.
It's a useful visual feedback of todo's.
Reini Urban
Index: setup/
--- setup.orig/
+++ setup/
@@ -32,11 +32,18 @@ PickPackageLine::paint (HDC hdc, HRGN un
   else if (col_num == theView.new_col)
+      // COLORREF red_color = RGB(255,0,0);
       // TextOut (hdc, x + HMARGIN/2 + NEW_COL_SIZE_SLOP, y, s.c_str(), s.size());
       // theView.DrawIcon (hdc, x + HMARGIN/2 + ICON_MARGIN/2 + RTARROW_WIDTH, by, theView.bm_spin);
       TextOut (hdc, x + HMARGIN/2 + ICON_MARGIN/2 + SPIN_WIDTH , y,
             pkg.action_caption ().c_str(), pkg.action_caption ().size());
-      theView.DrawIcon (hdc, x + HMARGIN/2, by, theView.bm_spin);
+      /* if installed is newer than curr, paint it red */
+      if ((pkg.action_caption() == pkg.desired.Canonical_version()) && (pkg.curr < pkg.installed)) {
+	  theView.DrawIcon (hdc, x + HMARGIN/2, by, theView.bm_redspin);
+	  //SetTextColor(hdc, red_color);
+      } else {
+	  theView.DrawIcon (hdc, x + HMARGIN/2, by, theView.bm_spin);
+      }
   else if (col_num == theView.bintick_col)
Index: setup/
--- setup.orig/
+++ setup/
@@ -526,6 +526,7 @@ PickView::init(views _mode)
   bitmap_dc = CreateCompatibleDC (dc);
 #define LI(x) LoadImage (hinstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE (x), IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, 0);
   bm_spin = LI (IDB_SPIN);
+  bm_redspin = LI (IDB_REDSPIN);
   bm_checkyes = LI (IDB_CHECK_YES);
   bm_checkno = LI (IDB_CHECK_NO);
   bm_checkna = LI (IDB_CHECK_NA);
Index: setup/PickView.h
--- setup.orig/PickView.h
+++ setup/PickView.h
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public:
   HBITMAP bm_icon;
   HRGN rect_icon;
   HBRUSH bg_fg_brush;
-  HANDLE bm_spin, bm_checkyes, bm_checkno, bm_checkna, bm_treeplus, bm_treeminus;
+  HANDLE bm_spin, bm_redspin, bm_checkyes, bm_checkno, bm_checkna, bm_treeplus, bm_treeminus;
   trusts deftrust;
   HANDLE sysfont;
   int scroll_ulc_x, scroll_ulc_y;
Index: setup/choose-redspin.bmp
Files setup.orig/choose-redspin.bmp and setup/choose-redspin.bmp differ
Index: setup/res.rc
--- setup.orig/res.rc
+++ setup/res.rc
@@ -416,6 +416,7 @@ CYGWIN.ICON             FILE    DISCARDA
 IDB_SPIN                BITMAP  DISCARDABLE     "choose-spin.bmp"
+IDB_REDSPIN             BITMAP  DISCARDABLE     "choose-redspin.bmp"
 IDB_CHECK_YES           BITMAP  DISCARDABLE     "check-yes.bmp"
 IDB_CHECK_NO            BITMAP  DISCARDABLE     "check-no.bmp"
 IDB_CHECK_NA            BITMAP  DISCARDABLE     "check-na.bmp"
Index: setup/resource.h
--- setup.orig/resource.h
+++ setup/resource.h
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
 #define IDB_CHECK_NA                      303
 #define IDB_TREE_PLUS                     304
 #define IDB_TREE_MINUS                    305
+#define IDB_REDSPIN                       306
 // icons

Windows bitmap

2008-06-30 Reini Urban

	* (PickPackageLine::paint): if installed is newer than curr, 
	paint the spin button red
	* (PickView::init), PickView.h, res.rc, resource.h, choose-redspin.bmp: 
	add resource IDB_REDSPIN

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