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Re: fftw3 and octave

On Apr  1 00:02, Charles Wilson wrote:
> Marco Atzeri wrote:
>> Of course static. The only dependency needed was fftw3
>> so I adopted it. 
> Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but cygwin binary software is under 
> the GPL (or compatible open source license), because it is linked against 
> the cygwin1.dll.
> This means that, for ALL software linked into the binaries included in the 
> cygwin distribution, we MUST also distribute the source.
> Including static libraries.
> The most convenient way to ensure this is for all dependent libraries to 
> ALSO be members of the cygwin distribution.
> So, we usually don't allow software in the distro that links against 
> libaries that AREN'T part of the distro -- unless you take special care to 
> distribute also those EXACT sources as part of your fftw3-src package.
> I'll leave this to Corinna and cgf to decide, but it seems to me that 
> either:
> (1) you must rebuild your official package without reliance on Qhull, Hdf5, 
> and qlpk/SuiteSparse, or
> (2) include the EXACT Qhull/Hdf5/qlpk/SuiteSparse source code tarballs 
> within the fftw3-src tarball
> (3) you [or someone else] must ITP these packages

100% correct.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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