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Re: Ready for test coreutils-5.2.0-1

Joshua Daniel Franklin wrote:
There are also some patches I'm considering adding from fileutils-4.1-2 (proposed-fileutils-patches.txt). I got these by diffing fileutils-4.1 with the src package for fileutils-4.1-2. I was hoping that the previous maintainer could comment on these patches so I could figure out if they are relevant for the coreutils package.

If they the changes haven't been made in the coreutils source, why not continue using the Cygwin-specific patches?

agree. Any cygwin-specific patches that were in the "old packages" that haven't been pushed back all the way to "official" coreutils, need to be kept in cygwin's coreutils.

There are still conflicting binaries:

kill.exe : cygwin-1.5.7-1

this is _probably_ cygwin specific. I'd either rename the coreutils one to 'corekill', or not distribute coreutil's kill at all.

readlink.exe : cygutils-1.2.4-1

I'll go ahead and remove this program from cygutils -- but only *after* coreutils has made it thru its initial shake-down period. Thus, I won't delay cygutils-1.2.5 waiting for coreutils to finish ITP'ing -- but I'll release cygutils-1.2.6 very soon after coreutils goes 'gold'.

uptime.exe : procps-010801-2

my linux box shows /usr/bin/uptime as part of procps, not coreutils. Another candidate for a rename? ("coreps"?)

I think the way other packages have dealt with this problem is by
renaming with a prefix ("corekill" like "prockill") or just
not installing them. I don't want to speak for Chuck, but the
other option is, if he gets a new cygutils ready with Harold's
mkshortcut patch he could also remove readlink from cygutils.

-- Chuck

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