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Re: Update: Still with Build failure for PPC405 using crosstool-ng-1.9.2

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Bryan Hundven <> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 2:43 PM, Chris Kerios <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 6:15 AM, Kerios, Chris (KSC-ASRC-466)[ASRC
>> AEROSPACE CORP] <> wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Khem Raj []
>>> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 1:17 AM
>>> To: Kerios, Chris (KSC-ASRC-466)[ASRC AEROSPACE CORP]
>>> Cc: Bryan Hundven; crossgcc maillist
>>> Subject: Re: Update: Still with Build failure for PPC405 using
>>> crosstool-ng-1.9.2
>>> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 6:32 PM, Khem Raj <> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 6:14 PM, Kerios, Chris (KSC-ASRC-466)[ASRC
>>>> AEROSPACE CORP] <> wrote:
>>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>>> On Jan 19, 2011, at 8:51 PM, "Bryan Hundven" <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 3:00 PM, Kerios, Chris (KSC-ASRC-466)[ASRC
>>>>>> AEROSPACE CORP] <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>>>>> On Jan 19, 2011, at 5:55 PM, "Bryan Hundven" <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 2:41 PM, Kerios, Chris (KSC-ASRC-466)[ASRC
>>>>>>>> AEROSPACE CORP] <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Great! I'm happy to hear you were able to reproduce. So I'm not or
>>>>>>>>> wasting your time.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>> Opps, with the build.log.bz2 email we went off list for a moment.
>>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>>> email mostly to bring the conversation back to the list.
>>>>>>>> Chris,
>>>>>>>> As I asked before, it would be nice if you didn't top post.
>>>>>>>> Reason being is that Khem's response is now at the bottom of the
>>>>>>>> email
>>>>>>>> (like it should be), and your responses are at the top, making the
>>>>>>>> email hard to read.
>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>>>>>>> On Jan 19, 2011, at 5:35 PM, "Khem Raj" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Kerios, Chris (KSC-ASRC-466)[ASRC
>>>>>>>>>> AEROSPACE CORP] <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Bryan/Khem,
>>>>>>>>>>> Here is the last build.log file. ÄI set the log mode to ERROR. So
>>>>>>>>>>> it may not have everything you want so I can run it again with a
>>>>>>>>>>> Deeper log level if you need me to.
>>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>>> From: Kerios, Chris (KSC-ASRC-466)[ASRC AEROSPACE CORP]
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 2:23 PM
>>>>>>>>>>> To: 'Khem Raj'; Bryan Hundven
>>>>>>>>>>> Cc:
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Update: Still with Build failure for PPC405 using
>>>>>>>>>>> crosstool-ng-1.9.2
>>>>>>>>>>> Bryan/Raj,
>>>>>>>>>>> I've attached to output from the cross-compiler you requested.
>>>>>>>>>>> ÄThere's a core and static directories where these files were located. ÄThe
>>>>>>>>>>> output was the same so I am just sending the shared one. ÄIt's a small file
>>>>>>>>>>> so I've just attached it. ÄI working on compressing the build log and will
>>>>>>>>>>> get that out to you shortly.
>>>>>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>>> From: Khem Raj []
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 2:03 PM
>>>>>>>>>>> To: Bryan Hundven
>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: Kerios, Chris (KSC-ASRC-466)[ASRC AEROSPACE CORP];
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Update: Still with Build failure for PPC405 using
>>>>>>>>>>> crosstool-ng-1.9.2
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Bryan Hundven
>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Kerios, Chris
>>>>>>>>>>>> (KSC-ASRC-466)[ASRC
>>>>>>>>>>>> AEROSPACE CORP] <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> OK, let's see if I can get all this for you:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On my host machine that I am trying to build for:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> x86 - Fedora 14
>>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc 4.5.1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> binutils 2.20
>>>>>>>>>>>>> linux 2.6.35
>>>>>>>>>>>>> For my target/embedded host I am trying to build a cross
>>>>>>>>>>>>> toolchain which I am pasting in the beginning of the build.log:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [INFO ] ÄPerforming some trivial sanity checks [INFO ] ÄBuild
>>>>>>>>>>>>> started
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 20110119.130036 [INFO ] ÄBuilding environment variables [WARN ]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Directory '/home/chris/src' does not exist.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [WARN ] ÄWill not save downloaded tarballs to local storage.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [EXTRA] ÄPreparing working directories [EXTRA] ÄInstalling
>>>>>>>>>>>>> user-supplied crosstool-NG configuration [EXTRA]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> =================================================================
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [EXTRA] ÄDumping internal crosstool-NG configuration [EXTRA]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Building a toolchain for:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [EXTRA] Ä Ä Äbuild Ä= i686-pc-linux-gnu [EXTRA] Ä Ä Ähost Ä =
>>>>>>>>>>>>> i686-pc-linux-gnu [EXTRA] Ä Ä Ätarget = powerpc-405-linux-gnu
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [EXTRA]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dumping internal crosstool-NG configuration: done in 0.46s (at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00:05)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [INFO ]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> =================================================================
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [INFO ] ÄRetrieving needed toolchain components' tarballs
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [EXTRA]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Retrieving 'linux-'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [EXTRA] Ä ÄRetrieving 'gmp-4.3.2'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [EXTRA] Ä ÄRetrieving 'mpfr-2.4.2'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [EXTRA] Ä ÄRetrieving 'binutils-2.19.1'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [EXTRA] Ä ÄRetrieving 'gcc-4.3.2'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [EXTRA] Ä ÄRetrieving 'eglibc-2_10'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [EXTRA] Ä ÄRetrieving 'dmalloc-5.5.2'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [EXTRA] Ä ÄRetrieving 'duma_2_5_15'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [EXTRA] Ä ÄRetrieving 'gdb-6.8'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [EXTRA] Ä ÄRetrieving 'ncurses-5.7'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [EXTRA] Ä ÄRetrieving 'expat-2.0.1'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [INFO ] ÄRetrieving needed toolchain components' tarballs: done
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 601.03s (at 10:07) [INFO ]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> =================================================================
>>>>>>>>>>>> Chris,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you post your config somewhere? Preferably on
>>>>>>>>>>>> I want to try installing fc14 and see if I can reproduce your
>>>>>>>>>>>> issue.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: Khem Raj []
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 12:55 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: Kerios, Chris (KSC-ASRC-466)[ASRC AEROSPACE CORP]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Update: Still with Build failure for PPC405 using
>>>>>>>>>>>>> crosstool-ng-1.9.2
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Kerios, Chris
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (KSC-ASRC-466)[ASRC
>>>>>>>>>>>>> AEROSPACE CORP] <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Raj,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hmmm...I just tried rebuilding 1.9.2 with eglibc 2.10 and it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stopped and errored out at the same spot with the same error.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.10 is the only other release offered in the 1.9.2 menuconfig.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ÄI
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would send you my build.log except that is over 16MB
>>>>>>>>>>>> bzip2 build.log
>>>>>>>>>>>> If you want, you can send the bzip'd log file to me directly,
>>>>>>>>>>>> bypassing the list.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Khem, if you would like the bzip'd log as well, I will forward it
>>>>>>>>>>>> to you.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Just trying to save space on the ml-server.
>>>>>>>>>>> yes please do send me.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and my email system won't transfer it. ÄI also tried
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but they will only take up to 1MB. ÄIs there anything specific
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the build log I can send you? ÄCurrently, the debug level is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> set to EXTRA. ÄI can back this down and it should cut down on some of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file size.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hmmm ok. What version of gcc and binutils are you using ? btw
>>>>>>>>>>>>> can you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> run <cross>-gcc -v -xc /dev/null and post the output ?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Khem,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Either build that Chris has ran have not produced the final
>>>>>>>>>>>> toolchain.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Did you mean: <host>-gcc -v -xc /dev/null -v -xc /d
>>>>>>>>>>> no he should have an intermediate gcc already built before
>>>>>>>>>>> building eglibc thats the one I was interested in.
>>>>>>>>>>>> ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: Khem Raj []
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 11:44 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: Kerios, Chris (KSC-ASRC-466)[ASRC AEROSPACE CORP]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Update: Still with Build failure for PPC405 using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> crosstool-ng-1.9.2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On (18/01/11 14:45), Kerios, Chris (KSC-ASRC-466)[ASRC
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AEROSPACE CORP] wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I have worked my way through enough builds, etc. to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> form a coherent email regarding my cross tool build effort and problem. ÄI
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have attached two files of the Äbuild logs that show where the builds are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> breaking. I cannot send the whole log as my email system won't pass it. ÄAs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am not a gnu tools expert I can only pursue the most elementary fixes of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which I can't decipher these. ÄI've looked through the mailing list as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> First the configuration:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Host build machine: x86, Fedora Core 14 with most recent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> updates applied.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Target machine: MPL powerpc-405gp
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Per my email from last week I received a suggestion to back
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> port my make version from the Fedora 14 version of make 3.82 to make 3.81.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ÄI have done this and the build goes significantly further than before. ÄThe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> build is now breaking during "Installing C library". ÄIt appears to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> looking for -lgcc and not finding it. ÄIn looking at the gcc command above
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it there is a section after the 4.3.2 which looks wrong as it has a bunch of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ../../.. but I can't be sure and I don't know where all these paths are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> defined. ÄThe make 3.82 build breaks immediately at the "Installing kernel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> headers" phase.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As another data point I have built crosstool successfully on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the 1.6.[0-2] versions. ÄStarting on versions 1.7 and beyond these problems
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appear. ÄI don't know if anyone has built for PPC 405 in a while so this may
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be why these problems cropped up and weren't identified. ÄAnyway, any help
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on this would be appreciated as I'm not all that keen on running 1.6.2 if I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't have to. ÄI would like to stay current.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you really do not need to stick to eglibc 2.9 then I would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suggest to use 2.12 if possible.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you post all logs somewhere I could not infer what could be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrong from the Äattached logs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Khem
>>>>>>>>>>>> -Bryan
>>>>>>>>>> OK the problem is reproducible with your config. What I see is that
>>>>>>>>>> gcc-shared installs symlink to shared libgcc but does not install
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> shared libgcc itself
>>>>>>>>>> into the temporary sysroot its using. I am still waiting on
>>>>>>>>>> validating
>>>>>>>>>> this (my system is really slow). I see that ct-ng called make
>>>>>>>>>> install-libgcc I hope that should
>>>>>>>>>> have done the job but it seems it did not.
>>>>>>>> Khem,
>>>>>>>> My build is much slower then your's. ugh... vmware fusion...
>>>>>>>> Now that I have a fc14 install, I am going to see what I can do about
>>>>>>>> these make 3.82 issues.
>>>>>>>> -Bryan
>>>>>>> Oops sorry...understood.
>>>>>> No problems.
>>>>>> So I was also able to reproduce the build issue with make 3.81 on fc14.
>>>>>> I then tried to build 4.3.5 to see if that release fixes this issue.
>>>>>> It also broke in the same spot with the same error.
>>>>>> Chris, would you have any problem moving to gcc-4.4? Or do you need
>>>>>> 4.3.x for reason?
>>>>>> I'm going to try building 4.4.5 tonight, and my hope is that it
>>>>>> installs libgcc correctly.
>>>>>> -Bryan
>>>>> I have no problems at all going to 4.4. Are you thinking its a gcc
>>>>> issue?
>>>> OK then please try with gcc 4.5.2 or 4.4.4
>>> I tried with gcc 4.5.2 and 4.4.4 both install correclty
>>> and the build passes this point of failure
>>> Good Morning,
>>> I just tried building it with 4.4.4 and was unsuccessful. ÄIt's not
>>> getting past the CLoog/ppl build. ÄJust a reminder, I am on x86 Fedora 14
>>> and had binutils 2.20.1 and eglibc 2.10 selected. ÄAlso, I am still using
>>> make 3.81 as it blows up right in the beginning on the kernel headers steps.
>>> ÄI have attached the build.log. ÄI am going to try a 4.5.1. build now. ÄRaj,
>>> what are you using for a host build environment?
>>> Regards,
>>> Chris
>> Here is a modified version of your .config that built a 4.5.2 based
>> toolchain successfully
>> on ubuntu 10.04/x86
>> -Khem
>> Sorry Khem, but the build does not work on Fedora 14 with your config file.
>> ÂThere must be some difference(s) that are causing these problems we are
>> seeing. ÂDebian vs. Fedora. Âeglibc based system vs. glibc based system???
>> ÂI have attached the build.log. ÂIt dies early when it begins the CLooG
>> build.
>> Bryan: Have you had any luck with your Fedora system?
>> Regards,
>> Chris
>> Attachment: .config
>> Description: Binary data
> I downgraded cloog-ppl to 0.15.9 and am using gcc-4.4.5, and now I get
> a problem while building the static core gcc where it can't find
> -lstdc++. I think this is a problem with either cloog-ppl or binutils.
> Not sure yet.
> *grumble*
> It sounds like this architecture/distribution combination needs some love.
> Attached is my current config:

Actually, that was because I didn't have 'libstdc++-static' installed.

I am re-running my build with 'libstdc++-static' installed.

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