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Re: CTs or Cygwins 'fault': fork: can't reserve memory for stack...


I'm trying to link a huge bunch of crosscompiled .o files into a main-file. However, I (suddenly) get the following fault message from collect2.exe:

C:\cygwin\opt\crosstool\powerpc-405-linux-gnu\gcc-3.4.0-glibc-2.2.5\libexec\gcc\powerpc-405-linux-gnu\3.4.0\collect2.exe (1740): *** fork: can't reserve memory for stack 0x40000 - 0x240000, Win32 error 487

I was wondering if this was a Cygwin error or Crosstool issue?

Dan, I've seen you posting an "answer" similar to this question on the cygwin list, but I didn't lure what the solution was...
You're referring to
Exactly :o)

I did not find a fix for that.  It only happened when running lots of
programs in parallel.
That's not the situation I'm having - I just have this simple command running - unless the linker spawns lots of threads behind my back :-)

You should probably take this problem to the cygwin mailing list.
I'll do that then...

It would help if you could put together a minimal test case (i.e. a shell script that reproduces the problem with toy sources).
I'll start going to the cygwin list :-)


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