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Re: Again: Disassembly with variable instruction size

Dave Brolley wrote:

This looks like had written code for another port and probably came from the <arch>.opc file you cloned (same

tha should read "hand written code"

location as your .cpu file). You need to edit <arch>.opc to suit the needs of your particular port. If the fr30 disassembly function works for you, then it's probably a good place to start.

I hope this helps,

Ronald Hecht wrote:


the problem seems to be in <arch>-dis.c. The generated function my_print_instruction looks wrong. It looks like this*

#define CGEN_PRINT_INSN my_print_insn

static int
my_print_insn (CGEN_CPU_DESC cd,
          bfd_vma pc,
          disassemble_info *info)
 bfd_byte buffer[CGEN_MAX_INSN_SIZE];
 bfd_byte *buf = buffer;
 int status;
 int buflen = (pc & 3) == 0 ? 4 : 2;
 bfd_byte *x;

/* Read the base part of the insn. */

status = (*info->read_memory_func) (pc - ((!big_p && (pc & 3) != 0) ? 2 : 0),
buf, buflen, info);
if (status != 0)
(*info->memory_error_func) (status, pc, info);
return -1;

 /* 32 bit insn?  */
 x = (big_p ? &buf[0] : &buf[3]);
 if ((pc & 3) == 0 && (*x & 0x80) != 0)
   return print_insn (cd, pc, info, buf, buflen);

 /* Print the first insn.  */
 if ((pc & 3) == 0)
     buf += (big_p ? 0 : 2);
     if (print_insn (cd, pc, info, buf, 2) == 0)
   (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, UNKNOWN_INSN_MSG);
     buf += (big_p ? 2 : -2);

 x = (big_p ? &buf[0] : &buf[1]);
 if (*x & 0x80)
     /* Parallel.  */
     (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, " || ");
     *x &= 0x7f;
   (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, " -> ");

 /* The "& 3" is to pass a consistent address.
    Parallel insns arguably both begin on the word boundary.
    Also, branch insns are calculated relative to the word boundary.  */
 if (print_insn (cd, pc & ~ (bfd_vma) 3, info, buf, 2) == 0)
   (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, UNKNOWN_INSN_MSG);

 return (pc & 3) ? 2 : 4;

I replaced it with the stuff from fr30-dis.c :

/* Default value for CGEN_PRINT_INSN.
The result is the size of the insn in bytes or zero for an unknown insn
or -1 if an error occured fetching bytes. */

#define CGEN_PRINT_INSN default_print_insn

static int
default_print_insn (CGEN_CPU_DESC cd, bfd_vma pc, disassemble_info *info)
bfd_byte buf[CGEN_MAX_INSN_SIZE];
int buflen;
int status;

 /* Attempt to read the base part of the insn.  */
 buflen = cd->base_insn_bitsize / 8;
 status = (*info->read_memory_func) (pc, buf, buflen, info);

 /* Try again with the minimum part, if min < base.  */
 if (status != 0 && (cd->min_insn_bitsize < cd->base_insn_bitsize))
     buflen = cd->min_insn_bitsize / 8;
     status = (*info->read_memory_func) (pc, buf, buflen, info);

 if (status != 0)
     (*info->memory_error_func) (status, pc, info);
     return -1;

 return print_insn (cd, pc, info, buf, buflen);

This works for me. So the bug seems to be in the generation of <arch>-dis.c

Best Regards

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