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Disassembly of instruction with 4 bit opcode

I have now got the assembler working. However I still have a
little problem with disassembly which I do not understand.

The problem is with the "call" instructions which use only 4 bits
of the opcode using the remained for the address.  Everything is
strictly little endian with the opcode always appearing in the
least significant 8 bits (or 4 bits in the case of call) of the

When I dissassemble the following (listing output from the

Dw32 GAS  test1.asm 			page 1

   2 0000 06100010 	start:  mov     r1, #0x1000
   4 0004 06302800 	        mov     r3, #low(msg)
   5 0008 56230000 	l1:     ldsb    r2, (r3)0x0
   6 000c 4120     	        cmp     r2, #0
   7 000e 8A0B     	        beq     finish
   8 0010 CC000000 	        call    putc
   9 0014 2131     	        add     r3, #1
  10 0016 FAF8     	        bra     l1
  12 0018 A62000F0 	putc:   st      r2, (r0)0xf000
  13 001c 0620FFFF 	        mov     r2, #0xffff

I get

$ od -d test1.o

test1.o:     file format elf32-dw32

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <start>:
   0:	06 10 00 10 	mov r1,#0x1000
   4:	06 30 30 00 	mov r3,#0x30

00000008 <l1>:
   8:	56 23 00 00 	ldsb r2,(r3)0x0
   c:	41 20       	cmp r2,#0x0
   e:	8a 0f       	beq.s 2e <finish>
  10:	cc 00       	*unknown*
  12:	00 00       	mov r0,r0
  14:	21 31       	add r3,#0x1
  16:	fa f8       	bra.s 8 <l1>

00000018 <putc>:
  18:	a6 20 00 f0 	st r2,(r0)0xf000
  1c:	06 20 ff ff 	mov r2,#0xffff

The relevant bits of my cgen .cpu file are

  (name dw32)
  (comment "DW32")
  (insn-lsb0? #t)
  (machs dw32)
  (isas dw32)

; Attributes

; Instruction set parameters.

  ; Name of the ISA.
  (name dw32)
  (comment "Basic DW32 instruction set")

  ; (Size of unknown instructions)
  (default-insn-word-bitsize 16)

  ; Shortest instruction is 16 bits
  (default-insn-bitsize 32)
  (base-insn-bitsize 32)

; CPU family definitions.

  ; CPU names must be distinct from the architecture name and machine names.
  ; The "b" suffix stands for "base" and is the convention.
  ; The "f" suffix stands for "family" and is the convention.
  (name dw32bf)
  (comment "DW32 generic cpu")
  (endian little)
  (word-bitsize 32)

; Opcode fields
(dnf f-opcode      "opcode" () 7 8)
(dnf f-call-opcode "call opcode" () 3 4)

; absolute, 28-bit (shifted 1 bit to right)
(df f-abs28   "abs28"  (ABS-ADDR)
    31 28 UINT
    ((value pc) (sra WI value (const 1)))
    ((value pc) (sll WI value (const 1))))

(dni call-abs28 "call abs28"
     "call $abs28"
     (+ (f-call-opcode #xc) abs28)
     (set pc abs28)

Any ideas as to what my problem is?

Thanks for any help,
Mike Chapman

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