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Re: [PATCH] A few ppc assembler fixes

>>> On 23.04.15 at 01:52, <> wrote:
> This patch cleans up a couple of issues with the assembler/disassembler.
> First off is that the lbarx, lharx, stbcx., sthcx instructions were 
> phased-in
> in the ISA 2.06, but were not actually implemented until POWER8.  In 
> addition,
> the waitrsv and waitimpl instructions still haven't been implemented, so
> this patch updates their supported "flags" value to reflect reality.
> The second part of the patch changes the dcbt and dcbtst to always use
> the server operand ordering (like all other instructions) and we only
> use the embedded operand ordering when we explicitly are targetting an
> embedded processor.  This patch actually caught an error in the 476 and
> A2 tests, in that they were accidentally picking up the server ordering
> when they shouldn't have.

Hmm, should assembling of instructions really be tied to specific
implementations rather than to ISA version? Or, shouldn't there
be an option to allow ISA-compliant code to assemble even if
there is no implementation of these insns (in which case I'd
assume the POWER<n> to represent such, whereas things like
E500MC might indeed represent specific implementations)?

> --- a/gas/testsuite/gas/ppc/power7.d
> +++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/ppc/power7.d
> @@ -31,94 +31,82 @@ Disassembly of section \.text:
>    54:	(f1 6c 6f 87|87 6f 6c f1) 	xvcpsgndp vs43,vs44,vs45
>    58:	(7c 00 00 7c|7c 00 00 7c) 	wait    
>    5c:	(7c 00 00 7c|7c 00 00 7c) 	wait    
> -  60:	(7c 20 00 7c|7c 00 20 7c) 	waitrsv
> -  64:	(7c 20 00 7c|7c 00 20 7c) 	waitrsv
> -  68:	(7c 40 00 7c|7c 00 40 7c) 	waitimpl
> -  6c:	(7c 40 00 7c|7c 00 40 7c) 	waitimpl
> -  70:	(4c 00 03 24|24 03 00 4c) 	doze
> -  74:	(4c 00 03 64|64 03 00 4c) 	nap
> -  78:	(4c 00 03 a4|a4 03 00 4c) 	sleep
> -  7c:	(4c 00 03 e4|e4 03 00 4c) 	rvwinkle
> -  80:	(7c 83 01 34|34 01 83 7c) 	prtyw   r3,r4
> -  84:	(7d cd 01 74|74 01 cd 7d) 	prtyd   r13,r14
> -  88:	(7d 5c 02 a6|a6 02 5c 7d) 	mfcfar  r10
> -  8c:	(7d 7c 03 a6|a6 03 7c 7d) 	mtcfar  r11
> -  90:	(7c 83 2b f8|f8 2b 83 7c) 	cmpb    r3,r4,r5
> -  94:	(7d 4b 66 2a|2a 66 4b 7d) 	lwzcix  r10,r11,r12
> -  98:	(ee 11 90 04|04 90 11 ee) 	dadd    f16,f17,f18
> -  9c:	(fe 96 c0 04|04 c0 96 fe) 	daddq   f20,f22,f24
> -  a0:	(7c 60 06 6c|6c 06 60 7c) 	dss     3
> -  a4:	(7e 00 06 6c|6c 06 00 7e) 	dssall
> -  a8:	(7c 25 22 ac|ac 22 25 7c) 	dst     r5,r4,1
> -  ac:	(7e 08 3a ac|ac 3a 08 7e) 	dstt    r8,r7,0
> -  b0:	(7c 65 32 ec|ec 32 65 7c) 	dstst   r5,r6,3
> -  b4:	(7e 44 2a ec|ec 2a 44 7e) 	dststt  r4,r5,2
> -  b8:	(7d 4b 63 56|56 63 4b 7d) 	divwe   r10,r11,r12
> -  bc:	(7d 6c 6b 57|57 6b 6c 7d) 	divwe\.  r11,r12,r13
> -  c0:	(7d 8d 77 56|56 77 8d 7d) 	divweo  r12,r13,r14
> -  c4:	(7d ae 7f 57|57 7f ae 7d) 	divweo\. r13,r14,r15
> -  c8:	(7d 4b 63 16|16 63 4b 7d) 	divweu  r10,r11,r12
> -  cc:	(7d 6c 6b 17|17 6b 6c 7d) 	divweu\. r11,r12,r13
> -  d0:	(7d 8d 77 16|16 77 8d 7d) 	divweuo r12,r13,r14
> -  d4:	(7d ae 7f 17|17 7f ae 7d) 	divweuo\. r13,r14,r15
> -  d8:	(7e 27 d9 f8|f8 d9 27 7e) 	bpermd  r7,r17,r27
> -  dc:	(7e 8a 02 f4|f4 02 8a 7e) 	popcntw r10,r20
> -  e0:	(7e 8a 03 f4|f4 03 8a 7e) 	popcntd r10,r20
> -  e4:	(7e 95 b4 28|28 b4 95 7e) 	ldbrx   r20,r21,r22
> -  e8:	(7e 95 b5 28|28 b5 95 7e) 	stdbrx  r20,r21,r22
> -  ec:	(7d 40 56 ee|ee 56 40 7d) 	lfiwzx  f10,0,r10
> -  f0:	(7d 49 56 ee|ee 56 49 7d) 	lfiwzx  f10,r9,r10
> -  f4:	(ec 80 2e 9c|9c 2e 80 ec) 	fcfids  f4,f5
> -  f8:	(ec 80 2e 9d|9d 2e 80 ec) 	fcfids\. f4,f5
> -  fc:	(ec 80 2f 9c|9c 2f 80 ec) 	fcfidus f4,f5
> - 100:	(ec 80 2f 9d|9d 2f 80 ec) 	fcfidus\. f4,f5
> - 104:	(fc 80 29 1c|1c 29 80 fc) 	fctiwu  f4,f5
> - 108:	(fc 80 29 1d|1d 29 80 fc) 	fctiwu\. f4,f5
> - 10c:	(fc 80 29 1e|1e 29 80 fc) 	fctiwuz f4,f5
> - 110:	(fc 80 29 1f|1f 29 80 fc) 	fctiwuz\. f4,f5
> - 114:	(fc 80 2f 5c|5c 2f 80 fc) 	fctidu  f4,f5
> - 118:	(fc 80 2f 5d|5d 2f 80 fc) 	fctidu\. f4,f5
> - 11c:	(fc 80 2f 5e|5e 2f 80 fc) 	fctiduz f4,f5
> - 120:	(fc 80 2f 5f|5f 2f 80 fc) 	fctiduz\. f4,f5
> - 124:	(fc 80 2f 9c|9c 2f 80 fc) 	fcfidu  f4,f5
> - 128:	(fc 80 2f 9d|9d 2f 80 fc) 	fcfidu\. f4,f5
> - 12c:	(fc 0a 59 00|00 59 0a fc) 	ftdiv   cr0,f10,f11
> - 130:	(ff 8a 59 00|00 59 8a ff) 	ftdiv   cr7,f10,f11
> - 134:	(fc 00 51 40|40 51 00 fc) 	ftsqrt  cr0,f10
> - 138:	(ff 80 51 40|40 51 80 ff) 	ftsqrt  cr7,f10
> - 13c:	(7e 08 4a 2c|2c 4a 08 7e) 	dcbtt   r8,r9
> - 140:	(7e 08 49 ec|ec 49 08 7e) 	dcbtstt r8,r9
> - 144:	(ed 40 66 44|44 66 40 ed) 	dcffix  f10,f12
> - 148:	(ee 80 b6 45|45 b6 80 ee) 	dcffix\. f20,f22
> - 14c:	(7d 4b 60 68|68 60 4b 7d) 	lbarx   r10,r11,r12
> - 150:	(7d 4b 60 68|68 60 4b 7d) 	lbarx   r10,r11,r12
> - 154:	(7d 4b 60 69|69 60 4b 7d) 	lbarx   r10,r11,r12,1
> - 158:	(7e 95 b0 e8|e8 b0 95 7e) 	lharx   r20,r21,r22
> - 15c:	(7e 95 b0 e8|e8 b0 95 7e) 	lharx   r20,r21,r22
> - 160:	(7e 95 b0 e9|e9 b0 95 7e) 	lharx   r20,r21,r22,1
> - 164:	(7d 4b 65 6d|6d 65 4b 7d) 	stbcx\.  r10,r11,r12
> - 168:	(7d 4b 65 ad|ad 65 4b 7d) 	sthcx\.  r10,r11,r12
> - 16c:	(fd c0 78 30|30 78 c0 fd) 	fre     f14,f15
> - 170:	(fd c0 78 31|31 78 c0 fd) 	fre\.    f14,f15
> - 174:	(ed c0 78 30|30 78 c0 ed) 	fres    f14,f15
> - 178:	(ed c0 78 31|31 78 c0 ed) 	fres\.   f14,f15
> - 17c:	(fd c0 78 34|34 78 c0 fd) 	frsqrte f14,f15
> - 180:	(fd c0 78 35|35 78 c0 fd) 	frsqrte\. f14,f15
> - 184:	(ed c0 78 34|34 78 c0 ed) 	frsqrtes f14,f15
> - 188:	(ed c0 78 35|35 78 c0 ed) 	frsqrtes\. f14,f15
> - 18c:	(7c 43 27 1e|1e 27 43 7c) 	isel    r2,r3,r4,28
> - 190:	(60 42 00 00|00 00 42 60) 	ori     r2,r2,0
> - 194:	(60 00 00 00|00 00 00 60) 	nop
> - 198:	(60 00 00 00|00 00 00 60) 	nop
> - 19c:	(60 42 00 00|00 00 42 60) 	ori     r2,r2,0
> - 1a0:	(7f 7b db 78|78 db 7b 7f) 	yield
> - 1a4:	(7f 7b db 78|78 db 7b 7f) 	yield
> - 1a8:	(7f bd eb 78|78 eb bd 7f) 	mdoio
> - 1ac:	(7f bd eb 78|78 eb bd 7f) 	mdoio
> - 1b0:	(7f de f3 78|78 f3 de 7f) 	mdoom
> - 1b4:	(7f de f3 78|78 f3 de 7f) 	mdoom
> - 1b8:	(7d 40 e2 a6|a6 e2 40 7d) 	mfppr   r10
> - 1bc:	(7d 62 e2 a6|a6 e2 62 7d) 	mfppr32 r11
> - 1c0:	(7d 80 e3 a6|a6 e3 80 7d) 	mtppr   r12
> - 1c4:	(7d a2 e3 a6|a6 e3 a2 7d) 	mtppr32 r13
> +  60:	(4c 00 03 24|24 03 00 4c) 	doze
> +  64:	(4c 00 03 64|64 03 00 4c) 	nap
> +  68:	(4c 00 03 a4|a4 03 00 4c) 	sleep
> +  6c:	(4c 00 03 e4|e4 03 00 4c) 	rvwinkle
> +  70:	(7c 83 01 34|34 01 83 7c) 	prtyw   r3,r4
> +  74:	(7d cd 01 74|74 01 cd 7d) 	prtyd   r13,r14
> +  78:	(7d 5c 02 a6|a6 02 5c 7d) 	mfcfar  r10
> +  7c:	(7d 7c 03 a6|a6 03 7c 7d) 	mtcfar  r11
> +  80:	(7c 83 2b f8|f8 2b 83 7c) 	cmpb    r3,r4,r5
> +  84:	(7d 4b 66 2a|2a 66 4b 7d) 	lwzcix  r10,r11,r12
> +  88:	(ee 11 90 04|04 90 11 ee) 	dadd    f16,f17,f18
> +  8c:	(fe 96 c0 04|04 c0 96 fe) 	daddq   f20,f22,f24
> +  90:	(7c 60 06 6c|6c 06 60 7c) 	dss     3
> +  94:	(7e 00 06 6c|6c 06 00 7e) 	dssall
> +  98:	(7c 25 22 ac|ac 22 25 7c) 	dst     r5,r4,1
> +  9c:	(7e 08 3a ac|ac 3a 08 7e) 	dstt    r8,r7,0
> +  a0:	(7c 65 32 ec|ec 32 65 7c) 	dstst   r5,r6,3
> +  a4:	(7e 44 2a ec|ec 2a 44 7e) 	dststt  r4,r5,2
> +  a8:	(7d 4b 63 56|56 63 4b 7d) 	divwe   r10,r11,r12
> +  ac:	(7d 6c 6b 57|57 6b 6c 7d) 	divwe\.  r11,r12,r13
> +  b0:	(7d 8d 77 56|56 77 8d 7d) 	divweo  r12,r13,r14
> +  b4:	(7d ae 7f 57|57 7f ae 7d) 	divweo\. r13,r14,r15
> +  b8:	(7d 4b 63 16|16 63 4b 7d) 	divweu  r10,r11,r12
> +  bc:	(7d 6c 6b 17|17 6b 6c 7d) 	divweu\. r11,r12,r13
> +  c0:	(7d 8d 77 16|16 77 8d 7d) 	divweuo r12,r13,r14
> +  c4:	(7d ae 7f 17|17 7f ae 7d) 	divweuo\. r13,r14,r15
> +  c8:	(7e 27 d9 f8|f8 d9 27 7e) 	bpermd  r7,r17,r27
> +  cc:	(7e 8a 02 f4|f4 02 8a 7e) 	popcntw r10,r20
> +  d0:	(7e 8a 03 f4|f4 03 8a 7e) 	popcntd r10,r20
> +  d4:	(7e 95 b4 28|28 b4 95 7e) 	ldbrx   r20,r21,r22
> +  d8:	(7e 95 b5 28|28 b5 95 7e) 	stdbrx  r20,r21,r22
> +  dc:	(7d 40 56 ee|ee 56 40 7d) 	lfiwzx  f10,0,r10
> +  e0:	(7d 49 56 ee|ee 56 49 7d) 	lfiwzx  f10,r9,r10
> +  e4:	(ec 80 2e 9c|9c 2e 80 ec) 	fcfids  f4,f5
> +  e8:	(ec 80 2e 9d|9d 2e 80 ec) 	fcfids\. f4,f5
> +  ec:	(ec 80 2f 9c|9c 2f 80 ec) 	fcfidus f4,f5
> +  f0:	(ec 80 2f 9d|9d 2f 80 ec) 	fcfidus\. f4,f5
> +  f4:	(fc 80 29 1c|1c 29 80 fc) 	fctiwu  f4,f5
> +  f8:	(fc 80 29 1d|1d 29 80 fc) 	fctiwu\. f4,f5
> +  fc:	(fc 80 29 1e|1e 29 80 fc) 	fctiwuz f4,f5
> + 100:	(fc 80 29 1f|1f 29 80 fc) 	fctiwuz\. f4,f5
> + 104:	(fc 80 2f 5c|5c 2f 80 fc) 	fctidu  f4,f5
> + 108:	(fc 80 2f 5d|5d 2f 80 fc) 	fctidu\. f4,f5
> + 10c:	(fc 80 2f 5e|5e 2f 80 fc) 	fctiduz f4,f5
> + 110:	(fc 80 2f 5f|5f 2f 80 fc) 	fctiduz\. f4,f5
> + 114:	(fc 80 2f 9c|9c 2f 80 fc) 	fcfidu  f4,f5
> + 118:	(fc 80 2f 9d|9d 2f 80 fc) 	fcfidu\. f4,f5
> + 11c:	(fc 0a 59 00|00 59 0a fc) 	ftdiv   cr0,f10,f11
> + 120:	(ff 8a 59 00|00 59 8a ff) 	ftdiv   cr7,f10,f11
> + 124:	(fc 00 51 40|40 51 00 fc) 	ftsqrt  cr0,f10
> + 128:	(ff 80 51 40|40 51 80 ff) 	ftsqrt  cr7,f10
> + 12c:	(7e 08 4a 2c|2c 4a 08 7e) 	dcbtt   r8,r9
> + 130:	(7e 08 49 ec|ec 49 08 7e) 	dcbtstt r8,r9
> + 134:	(ed 40 66 44|44 66 40 ed) 	dcffix  f10,f12
> + 138:	(ee 80 b6 45|45 b6 80 ee) 	dcffix\. f20,f22
> + 13c:	(fd c0 78 30|30 78 c0 fd) 	fre     f14,f15
> + 140:	(fd c0 78 31|31 78 c0 fd) 	fre\.    f14,f15
> + 144:	(ed c0 78 30|30 78 c0 ed) 	fres    f14,f15
> + 148:	(ed c0 78 31|31 78 c0 ed) 	fres\.   f14,f15
> + 14c:	(fd c0 78 34|34 78 c0 fd) 	frsqrte f14,f15
> + 150:	(fd c0 78 35|35 78 c0 fd) 	frsqrte\. f14,f15
> + 154:	(ed c0 78 34|34 78 c0 ed) 	frsqrtes f14,f15
> + 158:	(ed c0 78 35|35 78 c0 ed) 	frsqrtes\. f14,f15
> + 15c:	(7c 43 27 1e|1e 27 43 7c) 	isel    r2,r3,r4,28
> + 160:	(60 42 00 00|00 00 42 60) 	ori     r2,r2,0
> + 164:	(60 00 00 00|00 00 00 60) 	nop
> + 168:	(60 00 00 00|00 00 00 60) 	nop
> + 16c:	(60 42 00 00|00 00 42 60) 	ori     r2,r2,0
> + 170:	(7f 7b db 78|78 db 7b 7f) 	yield
> + 174:	(7f 7b db 78|78 db 7b 7f) 	yield
> + 178:	(7f bd eb 78|78 eb bd 7f) 	mdoio
> + 17c:	(7f bd eb 78|78 eb bd 7f) 	mdoio
> + 180:	(7f de f3 78|78 f3 de 7f) 	mdoom
> + 184:	(7f de f3 78|78 f3 de 7f) 	mdoom
> + 188:	(7d 40 e2 a6|a6 e2 40 7d) 	mfppr   r10
> + 18c:	(7d 62 e2 a6|a6 e2 62 7d) 	mfppr32 r11
> + 190:	(7d 80 e3 a6|a6 e3 80 7d) 	mtppr   r12
> + 194:	(7d a2 e3 a6|a6 e3 a2 7d) 	mtppr32 r13

In order to avoid such almost-rewrites to happen, would it be
possible to (incrementally perhaps) replace the exact match on
the addresses on the left hand side with regex-es, just like
many (newer) x86 test cases do nowadays?


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