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Re: Could we add relative path in LDFLAGS?

hi Mike:

> are you talking about binutils or something else ?
Sorry for not describing my question clear.
I try to corss-compile openocd with below configureation
./configure --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host=i686-w64-mingw32
--enable-ft2232_ftd2xx --with-ftd2xx-win32-zipdir="../CDMv2-10"
CPPFLAGS="-I../win32/include/libusb-1.0 -I../win32/include/libusb"
LDFLAGS="-L../win32/lib" LIBS=-lusb-1.0 --disable-werror

and during linking stage it complain it cannot find the ../win32/lib.
And it will be ok if I give the absolute address in LDFLAGS.

Does that mean we cannot put relative path in LDFLAGS?
appreciate your kind help,

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