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[RL78]: Objdump does not insert space between two operands in disassembly view.

The RL78 toolchain "objdump" utility does not insert space between two operands 
in index addressing mode for "mov" operation. 
For example:
/* test.s  */
mov     [sp+byte],a
mov     [de],a
mov     [hl],a

$rl78-elf-gcc -c -x assembler-with-cpp test.s -o test.o 
$rl78-elf-objdump -d test.o

Generated output:
test1.o:     file format elf32-rl78
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <.text>:
0:   98 00         mov     [sp], a
2:   99            mov     [de],a <--- expected "mov     [de], a"
3:   9b            mov     [hl],a <--- expected "mov     [hl], a"

The below patch adds a space between the two operands. New output would be as follows.
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <.text>:
0:   98 00         mov     [sp], a
2:   99            mov     [de], a  -> (space generated here)
3:   9b            mov     [hl], a  -> (space generated here)

Please review below patch and commit the same if OK.
Best Regards,


2015-01-21  Vinay  <>

            * rl78-decode.opc (MOV): Added space between two operands for 'mov' 
              instruction in index addressing mode.
            * rl78-decode.c: Regenerate.

--- opcodes/ 2015-01-19 15:41:43.118023154 +0500
+++ opcodes/rl78-decode.opc     2015-01-19 15:41:59.927023203 +0500
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@
/** 1001 1111                           mov      %e!0, %1                                   */
   ID(mov); DM(None, IMMU(2)); SR(A);

-/** 1001 1001                           mov      %e0,%1                          */
+/** 1001 1001                          mov      %e0, %1                         */
   ID(mov); DM(DE, 0); SR(A);

 /** 1100 1010                           mov      %e0, #%1                                   */
@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@
/** 1001 1010                           mov      %e0, %1                         */
   ID(mov); DM(DE, IMMU(1)); SR(A);

-/** 1001 1011                           mov      %e0,%1                          */
+/** 1001 1011                          mov      %e0, %1                         */
   ID(mov); DM(HL, 0); SR(A);

 /** 0110 0001 1101 1001                       mov      %e0, %1                                     */

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