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arm-linux-gnueabihf triplet for ARM hard float


  This is an effort to bring up a hard float ARM port on Debian
distribution. After long arguments, arm-linux-gnueabihf is the triplet
we finally selected, but binutils/ld does not have support for it.
  < >

  I sent a bug report, but so far I have got no answer.
  < >

  Could this patch be considered or at least have a reply is binutils
maintainers consider any harm on it? Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
ÂHÃctor OrÃn Â-.. . -... .. .- -. Â -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.

"Our Sun unleashes tremendous flares expelling hot gas into the Solar
System, which one day will disconnect us."

-- Day DVB-T stop working nicely
Video flare:

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