Linking against armlink produced ELF for armv6-m (thumb only) CPU

Matthew Gretton-Dann
Mon Aug 9 15:42:00 GMT 2010


On Mon, 2010-08-09 at 15:09 +0300, Heikki Keränen wrote:
> Hi,
> I have found no good solution to this problem. Can anyone help?
> We have a ROM image produced by RVCT toolchain: armlink produces .axf
> -file which is in ELF-format. Now we would like to create an executable
> to the RAM by using the GNU-toolchain. Those RAM-executables should of
> course link against functions in ROM.
> If I have understood everything right the correct way to do this is to
> link against this armlink produced ELF-file by using option
> "--just-symbols=romimagefile.elf".
> Everything works when I link against a ROM image ELF-file produced by
> the ld -linker, but when I link against armlink -produced ELF-file the
> following happens:
> Build finishes, but in the ld -linker prints out a following error
> message: "Conflicting CPU architectures 11/0". Also the veneers
> generated by the ld -linker seem to contain ARM-instructions although we
> have a thumb-only CPU architecture (armv6-m).

Can you give some sample command lines (I don't think objects are
necessary at the moment) please?

What I am looking for are examples of how you call armcc, armlink, gcc,
and ld.

Can you also give the results of readelf -A when run on the armlink
produced image and also one of the gcc produced objects you are trying
to link against?

What version of RVCT are you using (what is the result of armlink


> Is there something I have not found by myself I could try or is this
> problem right now a compatibility problem with no solution?

I don't have enough information at the moment to be able to make a call
as to what the cause of this issue is.

> What would be the best solution in the long term?

If you can answer the questions above we might be able to give a good
answer to your question.



Matthew Gretton-Dann
Principal Engineer - PDSW Tools

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