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Re: ARM THUMB_FUNC symbol type ?

On 23.01.2009 19:30, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 07:02:55PM +0100, Christophe LYON wrote:
Maybe there should be a fix in readelf/objdump so that it is more obvious to the end-user?

IMO no - we're marking things in readelf exactly the way the ABI says we ought.
I couldn't find the related paragraph in the ABI :-(

So you mean that the end-user is supposed to look at the LSB of a function address to know if it's Arm or Thumb?

> I don't know about objdump though. Really, I'd like
STT_ARM_TFUNC to just go away; if we want to support it for pre-ABI
binaries we could do it on swap-in/swap-out, like we do for EABI at

Anyway, my original problem is that I am having a look at the mixed-app test (arm-none-eabi or arm-gnueabi-linux), where I observe that lib_func2 is not of type STT_ARM_TFUNC, while I would expect elf32_arm_swap_symbol_in to have set that flag. Using readelf on mixed-lib.o says:
10: 00000021 2 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 lib_func2

What's wrong?

Not enough information to say - but I agree that it ought to be. Breakpoint on elf32_arm_swap_symbol_in and find out?

I made some progress: although marked STT_ARM_TFUNC in elf32_arm_swap_symbol_in, it is turned to STT_FUNC in allocate_dynrelocs.

I have found that Thumb calls to ARM symbols are handled in elf32_arm_final_link_relocate.

This brings me to another question: on several occasions I could see that comment "Calls through the PLT do not require stubs". What type of stubs do you mean here?

Indeed, I am working on PR/9743, and it really seem to be a case where a stub is needed to reach the PLT. Just to be sure we are line.



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