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Re: static link problems with alias

Hi Carmelo,

I've encountered a problem doing a static link due to duplicated symbols error.

You appear to misunderstand how aliases and libraries work...

I have the following dummy functions:
- int foo();
- foo_alias() as weak alias of foo()
- int bar(); (thats call foo_alias())
all archived into libfoo_alias.a

Note that in your libfoo_alias.a you have a *strong* definition of a symbol called "foo" and a *weak* definition of a symbol called "foo_alias".

and the following ones:

int foo();
int other();
archied into libfoo.a

Note that in libfoo.a you have a *second* strong definition of a symbol called "foo".

and the main.c calling bar() and other().

When I compile the main with the following command:

gcc -static -L. main.c -lfoo_alias -lfoo I get the following error:

./libfoo.a(foo.o)(.text+0x0): In function `foo':
: multiple definition of `foo'
./libfoo_alias.a(foo_alias.o)(.text+0x0): first defined here

Which is quite correct. It goes like this:

1) main calls bar. bar is defined in libfoo_alias:bar.o

2) bar calls foo_alias. foo_alias is weakly defined in libfoo_alias:foo.o, but there are no strong definitions provided elsewhere, so the weak definition is used. Hence libfoo_alias:foo.o is included in the link which brings with it a strong definition of the "foo" symbol.

3) main calls other. other is defined in libfoo.a:foo.o. libfoo.a:foo.o also defines "foo", hence there is now a duplicate definition.

What you probably wanted was the following:

1) Edit foo.c and add these lines to the end:

int foo_alias () {
  return 2;

This provides a strong definition of the foo_alias symbol which can override the weak definition in foo_alias.c.

2) Change the gcc link command line to:

gcc -static -L. main.c -lfoo -lfoo_alias

ie moving the linking of libfoo.a to before libfoo_alias.a so that the strong definition of foo_alias is available when the reference to it is encountered in libfoo_alias:bar.o.


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