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different results on using intel syntax and at&t syntax

there appears to be a problem i am not aware how i can
get rid of that

i use .intel_syntax no prefix 
in my sample simpwind.s

i first did 
.equ NEWT_KEY_UP,0x8001
.equ NEWT_KEY_DOWN,0x8002 etc 

and tried to use them instead of hardcoding them on
cmp eax, NEWT_KEY_UP 

it gets assembled to 

cmp eax,ds:0x8001 
and then segfaults

just to see if it segfaults on at&t syntax too 
i just over rid one single line with .att_syntax

        .att_syntax             <--- over rode here
        cmp $NEWT_KEY_UP,%eax   
        .intel_syntax noprefix   <-- reset back
        jne keydown
        dec dword ptr ds:[upkey]
        invoke move_window
        jmp loop_start
        cmp eax,NEWT_KEY_DOWN
        jne keyleft
        inc dword ptr ds:[upkey]
        invoke move_window
        jmp loop_start

and att syntax doesnt do that ds:0x8001

the disassembly is as follows

0x8048466 <newtInit+98>:        lea    esp,[esp*1+12]
0x804846a <newtInit+102>:       call   0x80483a4
0x804846f <newtInit+107>:       lea    esp,[esp*1]
0x8048473 <newtInit+111>:       call   0x80483d4
0x8048478 <newtInit+116>:       lea    esp,[esp*1]
0x804847c <newtInit+120>:       cmp    eax,0x8001  
0x8048481 <newtInit+125>:       jne    0x8048494
0x8048483 <newtInit+127>:       dec    ds:0x8049660
0x8048489 <newtInit+133>:       call   0x80484fb
0x804848e <newtInit+138>:       lea    esp,[esp*1]
0x8048492 <newtInit+142>:       jmp    0x8048473
0x8048494 <newtInit+144>:       cmp    eax,ds:0x8002 
0x804849a <newtInit+150>:       jne    0x80484ad
0x804849c <newtInit+152>:       inc    ds:0x8049660
0x80484a2 <newtInit+158>:       call   0x80484fb

can some one explain how i can eliminate this problem 

thanks and regards

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