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Re: Switching to and from ARM/Thumb

Hi Shaun,

This mail is somewhat off-topic for binutils. If you know of a better
mailing list, please point me in the right direction.

The gcc mailing list would probably be your best bet for this kind of question.

/** Switch to Arm mode. */
#define arm(x)               \
".balignw 4, 0x46c0 @ nop\n" \
"	bx pc\n"                 \
"	nop\n"                   \
".code 32\n"                 \
L(x) "_arm:\n"

/** Switch to Thumb mode. */
#define thumb(x,r) "\n"   \
"	add " #r ", pc, #1\n" \
"	bx " #r "\n"          \
".code 16\n"              \
".thumb_func\n"           \
L(x) "_thumb:"

Sadly, they simply don't work. I don't, currently, have a low-level
enough debugger to find out where it's going wrong.

Have you tried using the ARM simulator that comes with GDB ? It can be run in stand-alone mode and since you have the source available you can annotate it to show you exactly what is happening. (In fact if you look in the file sim/arm/armemu.c you will find some code commented out with #if 0...#endif that will make it report each instruction before it is executed. I use this technique all the time).

While I'm on the topic, to which address does the following branch jump?

.code 16
0: nop
2: bx pc
4: nop
6: nop
.code 32
8: nop

It is UNPREDICTABLE. The ARM Architecture Reference Manual states that, for the Thumb BX instruction:

  "If Rm[1:0] == 0b10, the result is UNPREDICTABLE, as branches
   to non word-aligned addresses are impossible in ARM state."


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