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the problem : assign the section's order in shared library based on mipsplatform

I want to take out the continuous part i care(only include
.text/.data/.bss/..) from the shared library,
and discard the those part i don't care ( dynsym/dynstr/dynamic/hash/...).

So i use the -T [ldscriptfile] option to assign the order of shared

$ mips-elf-gcc -g -EL -fPIC -mabicalls -c demo.c
$ mips-t2-elf-ld -shared -T test.ld -o demo.o
$ readelf -a >demo.elf
$ mips-elf-objdump -D >demo.dis

the content of file demo.c is:

     void demo_main()

the content of file test.ld is:

          .text : {*(.text) *(.text.*) *(.rodata)}
          . = ALIGN(4);
          .sdata : {*(.sdata) *(.sdata.*)}
          . = ALIGN(4);
          .data : {*(.data) *(.data.*) *(.rodata)  }
          . = ALIGN(4);
          .sbss : {*(.sbss) *(.scommon)}
          . = ALIGN(4);
          .bss : { *(.bss) *(COMMON)}
          . = ALIGN(4);
          .rodata : {*(.rodata) *(.rodata.*)}
          . = ALIGN(4);
          .debug          0 : { *(.debug) }
          .line           0 : { *(.line) }

the content file demo.elf is:

     ELF Header:
       Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       Class:                             ELF32
       Data:                              2's complement, little endian
       Version:                           1 (current)
       OS/ABI:                            UNIX - System V
       ABI Version:                       0
       Type:                              DYN (Shared object file)
       Machine:                           MIPS R3000
       Version:                           0x1
       Entry point address:               0x0
       Start of program headers:          52 (bytes into file)
       Start of section headers:          11388 (bytes into file)
       Flags:                             0x3, noreorder, pic, mips1
       Size of this header:               52 (bytes)
       Size of program headers:           32 (bytes)
       Number of program headers:         4
       Size of section headers:           40 (bytes)
       Number of section headers:         17
       Section header string table index: 14

     Section Headers:
       [Nr] Name              Type            Addr     Off    Size   ES Flg
Lk Inf Al
       [ 0]                   NULL            00000000 000000 000000 00
0   0  0
       [ 1] .text             PROGBITS        00000000 001000 000050 00  AX
0   0  4
       [ 2] .stub             PROGBITS        00000050 001050 000020 00  AX
0   0  4
       [ 3] .data             PROGBITS        00000070 001070 000000 00  WA
0   0  1
       [ 4] .got              PROGBITS        00000070 001070 000020 04 WAp
0   0 16
       [ 5] .bss              NOBITS          00000090 002090 000000 00  WA
0   0  1
       [ 6] .dynsym           DYNSYM          00000090 001090 000150 10   A
7  14 16
       [ 7] .dynstr           STRTAB          000001e0 0021e0 000080 00   A
0   0 16
       [ 8] .dynamic          DYNAMIC         00000260 002260 0000b0 00   A
7   0 16
       [ 9] .hash             HASH            00000310 002310 0000a0 00   A
6   0 16
       [10] .reginfo          MIPS_REGINFO    00000000 0023b0 000018 18
0   0 16
       [11] .mdebug           MIPS_DEBUG      00000000 0023c8 000774 00
0   0  4
       [12] .compact_rel      PROGBITS        00000000 002b3c 000018 00
0   0  4
       [13] .rtproc           PROGBITS        00000000 002b60 0000a0 00
0   0 16
       [14] .shstrtab         STRTAB          00000000 002c00 00007c 00
0   0  1
       [15] .symtab           SYMTAB          00000000 002f24 000190 10
16  17  4
       [16] .strtab           STRTAB          00000000 0030b4 000080 00
0   0  1
above, this is the order what i wished.

     Key to Flags:
       W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings)
       I (info), L (link order), G (group), x (unknown)
       O (extra OS processing required) o (OS specific), p (processor

     Program Headers:
       Type           Offset   VirtAddr   PhysAddr   FileSiz MemSiz  Flg
       LOAD           0x001000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x001e0 0x01090 RWE
       LOAD           0x0021e0 0x000001e0 0x000001e0 0x001d0 0x001d0 R
       DYNAMIC        0x001090 0x00000090 0x00000090 0x00320 0x00320 R
       RTPROC         0x000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000 0x000a0 R

      Section to Segment mapping:
       Segment Sections...
        00     .text .stub .got .dynsym .dynstr .dynamic .hash
        01     .dynstr .dynamic .hash
        02     .dynsym .dynstr .dynamic .hash
        03     .text .stub .got

     Dynamic section at offset 0x2260 contains 17 entries:
       Tag        Type                         Name/Value
      0x00000004 (HASH)                       0x310
      0x00000005 (STRTAB)                     0x1e0
      0x00000006 (SYMTAB)                     0x90
      0x0000000a (STRSZ)                      128 (bytes)
      0x0000000b (SYMENT)                     16 (bytes)
      0x00000003 (PLTGOT)                     0x70
      0x7000000b (MIPS_CONFLICTNO)            0
      0x70000010 (MIPS_LIBLISTNO)             0
      0x70000001 (MIPS_RLD_VERSION)           1
      0x70000005 (MIPS_FLAGS)                 NOTPOT
      0x70000006 (MIPS_BASE_ADDRESS)          0
      0x7000000a (MIPS_LOCAL_GOTNO)           7
      0x70000011 (MIPS_SYMTABNO)              21
      0x70000012 (MIPS_UNREFEXTNO)            14
      0x70000013 (MIPS_GOTSYM)                0x14
      0x70000014 (MIPS_HIPAGENO)              5
      0x00000000 (NULL)                       0x0

     There are no relocations in this file.

     There are no unwind sections in this file.

     Symbol table '.dynsym' contains 21 entries:
        Num:    Value  Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
          0: 00000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT   13
          1: 00000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    1
          2: 00000050     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    2
          3: 00000070     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    3
          4: 00000070     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    4
          5: 00000090     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    5
          6: 00000090     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    6
          7: 000001e0     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    7
          8: 00000260     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    8
          9: 00000310     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    9
         10: 00000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT   10
         11: 00000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT   11
         12: 00000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT   12
         13: 00000000     0 SECTION GLOBAL DEFAULT  ABS _gp_disp
         14: 00000260     0 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT  ABS _DYNAMIC
         15: 00000003     0 SECTION GLOBAL PROTECTED  ABS
         16: 00000000     0 SECTION GLOBAL PROTECTED PRC[0xff02]
         17: 00000000    80 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT PRC[0xff01] demo_main
         18: 00000070     0 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT  ABS
         19: 00000000     0 SECTION GLOBAL PROTECTED PRC[0xff02]
         20: 00000050     0 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND external_func
     ~~~~~~~~~                                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     Symbol table '.symtab' contains 25 entries:
     Histogram for bucket list length (total of 17 buckets):
     No version information found in this file.

the content file demo.dis is:     file format elf32-littlemips

     Disassembly of section .text:

     00000000 <.text>:
        0:     3c1c0000  lui  gp,0x0
        4:     279c0000  addiu     gp,gp,0
        8:     0399e021  addu gp,gp,t9
        c:     27bdffd8  addiu     sp,sp,-40
       10:     afbc0010  sw   gp,16(sp)
       14:     afbf0020  sw   ra,32(sp)
       18:     afbe001c  sw   s8,28(sp)
       1c:     afbc0018  sw   gp,24(sp)
       20:     03a0f021  move s8,sp
       24:     8f99008c  lw   t9,140(gp)
       28:     00000000  nop
       2c:     0320f809  jalr t9
       30:     00000000  nop
       34:     8fdc0010  lw   gp,16(s8)
       38:     03c0e821  move sp,s8
       3c:     8fbf0020  lw   ra,32(sp)
       40:     8fbe001c  lw   s8,28(sp)
       44:     27bd0028  addiu     sp,sp,40
       48:     03e00008  jr   ra
       4c:     00000000  nop
     Disassembly of section .stub:

     00000050 <.stub>:
       50:     8f998010  lw   t9,-32752(gp)
       54:     03e07825  move t7,ra
       58:     0320f809  jalr t9
       5c:     34180014  li   t8,0x14
     Disassembly of section .data:
     Disassembly of section .got:

     00000070 <.got>:
       70:     00000000  nop
       74:     80000000  lb   zero,0(zero)
       8c:     00000050  0x50
     Disassembly of section .dynsym:

my question is:

     i think the correct flow of demo_main() calling external_func() is:
     calling external_func()--> got[7] --> stub --> got[0] -->
_dl_runtime_resolve --> modify got[7]
     but the execute flow is:
     (i)  24:  8f99008c  lw   t9,140(gp)
          <==> lw t9, 0(0x8C)                 // t9=got[7]
     (ii) got[7]==0x50, so jal to 0x50                  // jmp to stub
     (iii)     50:  8f998010  lw   t9,-32752(gp)   // t9=got[0]
          where it point to ??
          the address of got[0] is 0x70 , not -32752 ?

(1) Is there some error in my "test.ld" file ? or is this a small bug ?
    if i do not use -T option, it will work ok.
(2) I think the shared library is too big.
    My aim is only to take out my interested part(.text and .data) from
shared library.
    and i must put these part into the continuous space.
    how can i do it ?

welcome everybody's suggestion !

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