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Re: PATCH: Reduce size of SymbianOS DLLs

On Mon, 2004-11-01 at 21:10, Mark Mitchell wrote:
> The linker believed that SymbianOS BPABI DLLs were demand-paged, which
> meant that it wanted to align segments on page-size boundaries.
> However, all BPABI DLLs are post-processed before becoming something
> that can actually be executed, so this is just wasted space in the
> file.  I realized that when D_PAGED is clear, the linker will not try
> to map the program headers, which means that some special-case code I
> added for SymbianOS can be removed.


I've probably missed something subtle here, but these changes are all
being made to elfarm-nabi.c, a generic ARM file.  What is it that
prevents all these symbian-specific hooks from being called when it's
not targeting symbianos?


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