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Version script help needed


I'm at a loss with the handling of version scripts. If you look at the 
appended testcase, you'll see that it generates 2 small shared libs with 
versioned symbols:

[fsirl@enzo:~/test-versioning]$ readelf -a|grep divdi3
    25: 0000068c    36 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    9 divdi3@VEROLD
[fsirl@enzo:~/test-versioning]$ readelf -a|grep divdi3
    27: 000006b0    36 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    9 divdi3@@VERNEW

But what I want is both versions in _one_ shared lib like that:
    25: 0000068c    36 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    9 divdi3@VEROLD
    27: 000006b0    36 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    9 divdi3@@VERNEW

What am I doing wrong?


Attachment: divdi3-1.ver
Description: Text document

Attachment: divdi3-2.ver
Description: Text document

Attachment: divdi3-new.c
Description: Text document

Attachment: divdi3-old.c
Description: Text document

Attachment: Makefile
Description: Text document

Attachment: test-versioning.tar.bz2
Description: application/tbz

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