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Re: [ A serious bug of "ld --enable-auto-import"]

> pe_find_data_imports:_hwstr1
> ->__head_cyghwstr_dll
> arelent: _hwstr1@0xd: add=0  <<<< this should be "add=12", right?

Not always.  Sometimes the addend is in the relent, and sometimes the
addend is in the data stream.  It depends on the target format.

> Unfortunately, that's as far as I can go.  I don't know where the 
> arelent structure gets filled with the approprate data from the .o, so I 
> can't track down WHY the "12" isn't going into (arelent)->addend.

Gas puts it there.  Probably in src/gas/config/tc-i386.c's
tc_gen_reloc, but other places convert it from a bfd reloc to an
i386-specific reloc.

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