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Re: arm assembly syntax incompatible

>I am trying to cross-assemble (host=solaris,
>target=arm-elf) some assembly lang files which
>came from ARM.  When I do, I get lots of errors.
>arm-elf-as does not like the syntax of the
>arm-elf-as says "INCLUDE" is a "bad instruction".
>Since the files came from ARM they must (?) be
>using ARM-native syntax.

ARM standardizes the mnemonics and sets conventions about numeric base 
prefixes and so forth. Even if individual assembler vendors follow ARM's 
conventions on such things as address representation, those individual 
vendors are free to implement pseudo-ops and assembler directives however 
they see fit.

Translating from ARM's syntax to gas's isn't terribly difficult (even if 
you don't know ARM's syntax rules); it just takes time.

-- Lewin A.R.W. Edwards
Embedded Engineer, Digi-Frame Inc.
Tel (914) 937-4090 9am-6:30pm M-F ET

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even 
though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who 
neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight 
that knows not victory nor defeat."
(Theodore Roosevelt)

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